English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

arrebujar: to crumple up; to crease; to tuck in
arrebujarse: to wrap oneself up; to tuck oneself in
arrechucho: sudden impulse; fit; outburst
arreciar: to get stronger; to increase;
arrecife: reef; stone-paved road
arredrar: to scare; to frighten; to intimidate
arredrarse: to be scared; to be frightened; to flinch; to draw back
arreglado: settled; mended; orderly; neat; tidy; moderate; smart
arreglar: to sort out; to tidy up; to mend; to repair; to adjust; to regulate; to get ready; to dress;
to smarten up
arreglarse: to turn out all right; to get ready; to manage; to shift
arreglo: repair; solution; agreement; order; settlement; mending
arrejuntarse: to move in together
arrellanarse: to sit back comfortably; to sit at ease
arremangar: to roll up; to hitch up
arremeter: to attack; to rush upon
arremetida: attack; charge; rushing upon; sudden start
arremolinamiento: eddy
arremolinarse: to swirl; to eddy; to crowd together; to press together
arrendador: landlord; landlady; lessor; lessee; tenant; farmer
arrendamiento: lease; rental; renting; leasing; letting; farming
arrendar: to rent; to let; to lease; to farm; to tie by the reins
arrendatario: tenant; leaseholder; lessee; farmer
arreo: dress; ornament
arreos: harness; gear
arrepentido: repentant; regretful
arrepentimiento: regret; repentance
arrepentirse: to feel regret; to repent; to change one's mind; to be sorry for
arrestar: to arrest; to imprison; to detain; to confine
arresto: arrest; detention; confinement; arrestos: pluck; spirit; courage
arriar: to lower; to strike; to pay out
arriate: border; causeway; trellis; narrow bed along the wall of a garden
arriba: up; upwards; above; on high; at the top; aloft; afore
arribar: to arrive in; to put into port
arribista: climbing; social climber; arriviste
arriendo: lease; rent
arriero: mule driver; muleteer; herdsman
arriesgado: dangerous; risky; daring; bold; rash
arriesgar: to risk; to venture; to hazard; to offer
arriesgarse: to take risks; to dare; to expose oneself to danger
arrimar: to bring closer; to move closer
arrimarse: to go closer; to come closer; to attach oneself; to associate with
arrimo: protection; support; help; attachment; leaning
arrinconar: to put in a corner; to corner; to shelve; to ignore; to lay aside; to discard
arritmia: arrhythmy
arroba: weight of about 11.5 kilograms
arrobar: to fascinate; to entrance; to enrapture
arrobarse: to be fascinated
arrodillarse: to kneel down
arrogancia: arrogance; haughtiness; courage; spirit; handsomeness
arrogante: arrogant; haughty; courageous; spirited; handsome

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