English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

arrogarse: to assume; to arrogate oneself
arrojadizo: easily thrown; for throwing
arrojado: daring; fearless; bold; intrepid; dashing; rash
arrojar: to throw; to fling; to hurl; to cast; to shed; to emit; to put forth; to expel; to throw out;
to turn out; to dismiss; to vomit
arrojarse: to throw oneself; to pounce
arrojo: courage; daring; boldness; rash; bravery
arrollador: devastating; sweeping; overwhelming; violent
arrollar: to roll up; to carry off; to hit; to thrash; to wind; to coil; to rout; to trample down; to
run over; to confound
arropar: to wrap up; to cover; to protect
arroyo: brook; rivulet; stream; gutter
arroz: rice
arruga: wrinkle; crease; crumple; rumple
arrugar: to wrinkle; to crease; to crumple; to rumple; to gather; to fold
arrugarse: to get wrinkled; to get lined; to crease; to get scared
arruinar: to ruin; to ruinate; to demolish; to destroy
arruinarse: to be ruined; to go broke
arrullar: to coo at; to lull; to croon
arrullo: cooing; lullaby; billing and cooing
arrumaco: caress; show of affection
arrumbar: to put away; to lay aside; to reject; to discard; to fix the course
arsenal: arsenal; dockyard; large quantity
arsénico: arsenic
arte: art; craft; skill; knack; cunning
artefacto: device; contrivance; appliance; manufacture
arteria: artery
arterial: arterial
arterioesclerosis: arteriosclerosis
artesa: trough
artesanado: craftsmen
artesanía: craftwork; craftsmanship
artesano: craftsman; artisan; handcrafted; handmade
artesonado: coffered; panelled; panelwork
ártico: arctic
articulación: joint; articulation
articulado: articulated
articular: to articulate; to put together
articulista: columnist; writer of articles
artículo: article; product; entry; commodity
artífice: architect; craftsman; artist; maker
artificial: artificial
artificiero: explosives expert; artificer
artificio: artifice; skill; cunning; trick; device; contrivance; falseness
artillería: artillery; ordnance
artillero: artilleryman; gunner
artilugio: gadget
artimaña: trick; stratagem; trap; snare
artista: artist
artístico: artistic; beautiful
artrítico: arthritic

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