artritis: arthritis
artrópodo: arthropod
artrosis: degenerative disease affecting the joints
arveja: pea; vetch
arzobispal: archiepiscopal
arzobispo: archbishop
as: ace; king
asa: handle
asado: roast; roasted
asador: rotating spit; skewer; restaurant specializing in roast meat
asadura: offal; entrails; haslet; liver
asalariado: wage-earner; salaried
asaltante: attacker; robber; raider; assailant; attacking
asaltar: to attack; to assault; to storm; to surprise; to rob; to raid
asalto: assault; storm; attack; robbery; round
asamblea: assembly
asar: to roast; to grill; to broil; to bake; to plague
ascendencia: ascentry; descent; influence
ascendente: ascending; ascendant
ascender: to rise; to go up; to ascend; to add up; to promote; to accede
ascendiente: ancestor; ascendant; influence
ascensión: ascent; ascension
ascenso: ascent; promotion
ascensor: lift; elevator
ascensorista: lift attendant; elevator operator
asceta: ascetic
ascético: ascetic
asco: disgust; revulsion; disgusting mess; nausea; loathing; qué asco: how revolting
ascua: hot coal; ember
aseado: clean; neat; tidy
asear: to clean up; to tidy
asearse: to wash; to tidy oneself up
asechanza: scheme; trap; snare; pitfall
asediar: to besiege; to lay siege to; to beset; to importunate
asedio: siege; blockade
asegurado: insured; assured
asegurador: assuring; insuring; assurer; insurer
asegurar: to assure; to insure; to fasten to fix; to assert; to affirm
asegurarse: to make sure; to insure oneself; to hold fast
asemejar: to liken; to compare
asemejarse: to look like; to resemble
asentamiento: settlement
asentar: to consolidate; to set up; to situate; to settle; to enter; to seat; to place; to fix; to
establish; to found; to affirm
asentarse: to be situated; to settle
asentir: to agree; to assent; to nod
aseo: cleaning; toilet; washroom; tidiness
aséptico: aseptic; dispassionate; cold
asequible: affordable; accesible; obtainable; reachable
aserradero: sawmill; sawing place
aserrar: to saw