aserrín: sawdust
asesinar: to murder; to kill; to assassinate
asesinato: murder; assassination
asesino: murderer: killer; assassin; murderous
asesor: advisory; consultative; consultant; adviser
asesoramiento: advice; giving advice
asesorar: to advise; to give professional advice
asesorarse: to take advice
asesoría: consultancy; consultant's
asestar: to give; to strike; to deal; to aim; to point; to level, to direct
aseverar: to affirm; to asseverate
asexuado: sexless
asexual: asexual
asfaltar: to tarmac; to surface; to asphalt
asfalto: asphalt; tarmac
asfixia: asphyxia; suffocation
asfixiante: asphyxiating; suffocating
asfixiar: to asphyxiate; to suffocate
asfixiarse: to asphyxiate; to suffocate
así: so; thus; in this way; like this; as well; in the same manner; as soon; even though
Asia: Asia
asiático: Asian
asiduo: regular; assiduous; sedulous; frequent; regular attender
asiento: seat; entry; site; settling; settlement
asignación: allocation; allowance; allotment
asignar: to assign; to allocate; to allot; to fix
asignatura: subject
asilado: refugee; inmate of an institution
asilar: to give asylum to; to place in a home or asylum
asilo: asylum; sanctuary; refuge; shelter; protection
asimétrico: asymmetric; asymmetrical
asimilación: assimilation
asimilar: to assimilate; to take in; to be similar
asimilarse: to be assimilated
asimismo: in like manner; likewise; also
asir: to grab; to seize; to grasp; to take
asirse: to grab old; to seize; to dispute
asistencia: assistance; help; attendance; presence
asistenta: cleaning lady; charwoman
asistente: attendant; present; helper; soldier assigned as a servant to an officer
asistir: to attend; to be present; to go; to assist; to aid; to help; to take care of
asma: asthma
asmático: asthmatic
asno: ass; donkey; jackass
asociación: association
asociado: associated; partner; member of an association
asociar: to associate; to link
asociarse: to be associated; to be linked; to join
asolar: to devastate; to raze; to desolate
asomar: to begin to appear; to show
asomarse: to lean out; to look out; to peep out