English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

asombrado: astonished; amazed
asombrar: to astonish; to amaze; to frighten
asombrarse: to be astonished; to be amazed; to take fright
asombro: astonishment; amazement; fright
asombroso: astonishing; amazing; wonderful
asomo: hint; sign; indication; peep; looking out; ni por asomo: by no means
asonancia: assonance
asonante: assonant
aspa: X-shape figure or cross; sail; blade
aspar: to skein; to crucify; to vex; to annoy
aspaviento: exaggerated demonstration of terror, admiration or feeling
aspecto: look; appearance; aspect
aspereza: roughness; harshness; asperity; tartness; rudeness; gruffness; rough place
áspero: rough; harsh; sour; rude; gruff
aspersión: sprinkling; aspersion
aspersor: sprinkler
áspid: asp; aspic
aspiración: inhalation; aspiration; wish; ambition; short pause
aspirador, aspiradora: sucking; vacuum cleaner; Hoover
aspirante: pretender; candidate; suction
aspirar: to inhale; to breathe in; to suck in; to aspirate; to aspire
aspirina: aspirin
asquear: to disgust; to revolt; to loathe; to nauseate
asquerosidad: dirtiness; filthiness; something revolting
asqueroso: filthy; disgusting; revolting; rotten; mean; loathsome; dirty; filthy swine
asta: flagpole; horn; antler; shaft; lance; pike; handle
astado: bull; horned; Roman pikeman
asterisco: asterisk
asteroide: asteroid; starlike
astigmatismo: astigmatism
astilla: chip; splinter; astillas: kindling
astillero: shipyard; shipbuilder; dockyard; rack of lances or pikes
astracán: astrakhan
astral: astral
astringente: astringent; remedy for diarrhea
astro: heavenly body; star; luminary
astrofísica: astrophysics
astrolabio: astrolabe
astrología: astrology
astrólogo: astrologer; astrological
astronauta: astronaut
astronáutica: astronautics
astronave: spaceship
astronomía: astronomy
astronómico: astronomical
astrónomo: astronomer
astucia: cunning; trick; artifice
astuto: astute; shrewd; cunning; sly
asueto: time off: brief vacation
asumir: to assume
asunto: affair; issue; matter; subject; business; theme or plot

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