English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

asustadizo: jumpy; scary; skittish
asustado: scared; frightened
asustar: to frighten; to scare
asustarse: to be frightened; to be scared; to take fright
atacar: to attack; to assail; to impugn; to ram; to tamp
atado: bundle; tied
atadura: bond; tie; rope; string; trying; binding; fastening; union; connection
atajar: to cut off; to stop; to interrupt; to take a shortcut; to cut
atajo: short cut; small herd or flock; collection; lot; bunch
atalaya: watchtower; vantage point
atañer: to concern; to respect; to regard
ataque: attack; impugnation; fit; access; stroke
atar: to tie; to fasten; to lace; to knot; to bind
atarse: to tie; to do up; to bind oneself
atarazana: shipyard; dockyard; ropewalk
atardecer: dusk; nightfall; to get dark; evenfall
atareado: busy
atascar: to block; to stop; to clog; to obstruct
atascarse: to get blocked; to get stuck
atasco: traffic jam; obstruction
ataúd: coffin; casket
ataviar: to dress up; to decorate; to adorn
ataviarse: to dress oneself
atávico: atavistic
atavío: dress; attire
ateísmo: atheism
atemorizar: to frighten; to intimidate
atemorizarse: to get frightened; to get scared
atemperar: to temper; to soften; to moderate; to adjust; to accommodate
atenazar: to clutch; to grasp; to grip; to seize; to clench one's teeth; to torment
atención: attention; civility; kindness; look out
atender: to heed; to meet; to look after; to attend; to pay attention; to listen to
ateneo: learned society; athenaeum
atenerse: to abide; to stick to; to keep to
atentado: attack; assault; outrage; crime; murder or attempted murder
atentar contra: to commit outrage against
atento: attentive; obliging; polite; courteous; watchful
atenuante: extenuating; attenuating
atenuar: to lessen; to mitigate; to attenuate; to diminish
ateo: atheistic; atheist
aterciopelado: velvety; silky
aterido: frozen stiff; numb
aterrar: to terrify; to terrorize
aterrizaje: landing; alighting
aterrizar: to land; to alight
aterrorizar: to terrify; to terrorize
atesorar: to amass; to accumulate; to hoard; to possess; to treasure
atestado: packed; teeming; crammed; stubborn; official report
atestar: to cram; to stuff; to pack out; to testify; to attest; to witness
atestiguar: to testify; to give evidence
atiborrar: to fill up; to cram; to pack; to stuff

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