atiborrarse: to stuff oneself; to feed one's face
ático: attic; top floor
atildado: dapper; neat; elegant
atinado: sensible; right; judicious
atinar: to hit the mark; to guess right
atípico: atypical
atisbar: to discern; to make out; to peep; to spy; to observe
atizador: poker; inciting; stirring
atizar: to poke; to stir; to rouse; to trim; to fan; to give a blow; to beat up
atlántico: Atlantic
atlas: atlas
atleta: athlete
atlético: athletic; robust
atletismo: athletics
atmósfera: atmosphere
atmosférico: atmospheric
atolladero: jam; tight corner
atolón: atoll
atolondrado: scatterbrained; giddy; thoughtless; inconsiderate; bewildered; confused
atolondrar: to stun; to bewilder
atómico: atomic
atomizador: spray; atomizer
átomo: atom
atónito: astounded; amazed; astonished; amazed; aghast
átono: unstressed; unaccented; atonic
atontado: stunned; confused; dazed; stupid; silly
atorar: to obstruct; to block up; to choke
atorarse: to become blocked up; to become obstructed; to get choked
atormentar: to torture; to torment
atormentarse: to torment oneself; to worry
atornillar: to screw down
atosigar: to pester; to harass; to press; to rush; to poison
atracadero: landing stage; jetty
atracador: robber; raider; mugger
atracar: to gorge; to assault; to hold up; to raid; to tie up; to moor; to bring alongside
atracarse: to stuff oneself; to gorge oneself
atracción: attraction; amusement
atraco: robbery; hold up; assault; robbery
atracón: blowout; overeating; gorging
atractivo: attractive; engaging; charming; charm; grace; inducement; attraction; appeal
atraer: to attract; to draw; to lure; to allure; to charm; to captivate
atragantarse: to choke; to stick in the throat; to be choked; to get mixed up in one's speech
atrancar: to bar; to bolt; to block up; to obstruct; to bar; to take long strides
atrancarse: to become blocked up; to bar oneself in
atrapar: to catch; to capture; to overtake; to get; to trap; to ensnare
atrás: back; in the rear; behind; ago
atrasado: backward; slow; in debt; behind the times
atrasar: to put off; to delay; to retard; to postpone; to postdate; to put back; to run slow; to set
back; to be slow
atrasarse: to remain behind; to fall back; to be late;
atraso: backwardness; delay; lateness; slowness