English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

atravesar: to go through; to pierce; to cross; to span; to bridge; to lie across; to transfix; to
interpose; to bet; to stake
atravesarse: to come between; to butt in; to interfere; to arise
atrayente: attractive
atreverse: to dare; to venture; to make bold
atrevido: audacious; daring; bold; impudent; cheeky; forward
atrevimiento: audacity; daring; boldness; cheek; forwardness; effrontery; impudence
atribución: attribution; authority; power; responsibility
atribuir: to attribute; to ascribe; to impute
atribuirse: to claim for oneself; to assume
atribular: to afflict; to grieve
atributo: attribute
atril: lectern; bookrest; music stand
atrincherar: to fortify with trenches; to entrench
atrincherarse: to entrench oneself; to dig in
atrio: inner courtyard; portico; porch; atrium
atrocidad: atrocity; enormity; excess; stupidity
atrofia: atrophy
atrofiarse: to atrophy
atronador: deafening; thunderous; thundering
atronar: to deafen; to stun; to kill a bull by a stab on the nape of the neck
atropellado: badly off; hasty; headlong; impetuous; precipitate
atropellar: to run over; to trample; to knock down; to outrage; to oppress; to bully; to crush; to
push; to do hastily
atropellarse: to gabble
atropello: violation; abuse; running over
atroz: atrocious; appalling; tremendous; enormous; huge
attrezzista: properties manager
attrezzo: props
atuendo: attire; dress; ostentation
atufar: to asphyxiate; to choke; to reek; to stink; to anger; to irritate; to get angry
atún: tuna; tunny; tunny fish
aturdir: to stun; to deafen; to make giddy; to rattle; to bewilder; to amaze
aturdirse: to be bewildered; to be stunned
aturullar: to fluster; to confuse; to rattle
aturullarse: to get flustered; to get confused
atusar: to trim; to comb or smooth
atusarse: to make oneself neat or trim
audacia: daring; audacity; boldness
audaz: daring; audacious; bold; impudent; cheeky
audición: hearing; concert; audition
audiencia: audience; law court; hearing
audífono: hearing aid
audiovisual: audiovisual
auditar: to audit
auditivo: auditory; auditive
auditor: auditor; judge advocate
auditoría: audit
auditorio: audience; auditory
auge: pinnacle; peak; importance; culmination; apogee
augurar: to predict; to foretell; to augur

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