English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

augurio: omen; sign; augury
aula: classroom; lecture room; palace
aulaga: gorse; furze
aullar: to howl
aullido: howl; squealing
aumentar: to magnify; to increase; to rise
aumentativo: augmentative
aumento: increase; magnifying; augmentation
aun: even, still; aun cuando: even though
aún: yet; still
aunar: to join; to unite; to combine; to unify
aunque: although; though; even though
aúpa: up you get; come on; get up
aupar: to help up; to help along; to give a leg up
aura: aura; breath; popularity; buzzard
aureola: halo; aureole; fame
aurícula: auricle
auricular: receiver; handset; earpiece; earphone; auriculares: headphones
aurora: dawn; aurora; beginning
auscultar: to auscultate; to sound
ausencia: absence; lack
ausentarse: to leave; to absent oneself
ausente: absent; absentee
ausentismo: absenteeism
auspiciar: to sponsor; to auspicate; to foretell
auspicio: auspice
austeridad: austerity
austero: austere
austral: austral
Australasia: Australasia
Australia: Australia
australiano: Australian
Austria: Austria
austríaco: Austrian
autenticidad: authenticity; genuineness
auténtico: authentic; real; genuine
auto: car; judicial decision; writ; warrant; religious or biblical play
autobiografía: autobiography
autobiográfico: autobiographical
autobús: bus; autobus
autocar: coach; bus
autocomplacencia: complacency
autocontrol: self-control
autocrítica: self-criticism; self-examination
autóctono: indigenous; native; autochthonous
autodeterminación: self-determination
autodidacta: self-taught
autodominio: self-control
autoedición: desktop publishing
autoescuela: driving school
autoestopista: hitch-hiker

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