English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

autoevaluación: self-assessment
autogolpe: unconstitutional seizure of power by an elected government
autógrafo: autograph; handwritten
automático: automatic; automatical
automatización: automation; automatization
automatizar: to automate
automóvil: car; motor vehicle; automobile
automovilismo: driving; motoring; automobilism
automovilista: driver; motorist
autonomía: autonomy; autonomous region; home rule; cruising radius
autonómico: autonomous; autonomic
autónomo: autonomous; self-employed
autopista: motorway; highway; freeway; expressway
autopsia: autopsy; post-mortem examination
auto: author; writer; maker; perpetrator
autoridad: authority; ostentation
autoritario: authoritarian; authoritative; overbearing
autorización: authorization; permission; permit; license
autorizar: to authorize; to validate; to empower; to permit; to legalize; to approve
autorretrato: self-portrait
autoservicio: self-service
autostop: hitchhiking
autosuficiencia: self-sufficiency
autovía: dual carriageway; highway
auxiliar: auxiliary; assistant; auxiliary; to give aid; to assist; to help
auxilio: aid; help; assistance; relief
aval: guarantee; guarantor's signature
avalancha: avalanche
avalar: to guarantee; to answer for a person
avance: advance; trailer; estimate
avanzadilla: advance party; reconnaissance patrol
avanzado: advanced; far into
avanzar: to move forward; to advance; to make progress; to progress
avaricia: avarice; meanness
avaricioso: avaricious; mean; miser
avaro: avaricious; mean; miser
avasallador: overwhelming; domineering; subjugator
avasallar: to tyrannize; to intimidate; to subjugate
avatares: ups and downs; vicissitudes
ave: bird
avecinarse: to approach; to come closer
avejentar: to age before one's time
avellana: hazelnut; hazel
avellano: hazel; hazel tree; filbert
avemaría: Hail Mary
avena: oats
avenencia: agreement; compromise; compact; harmony; concord
avenida: avenue; flood; freshet
avenir: to reconcile; to make agree
avenirse: to get on well; to come to an agreement
aventajado: exceptional; outstanding; notable; excellent; advantageous

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