aventajar: to be ahead of; to surpass; to excel
aventar: to winnow; to blow away; to fan; to blow
aventón: lift; ride
aventura: adventure; hazard; chance; risk; affair; fling
aventurado: risky; venturesome
aventurar: to risk; to venture; to hazard; to chance; to offer
aventurero: adventurous; adventurer; mercenary
avergonzado: ashamed; embarrassed
avergonzar: to embarrass; to shame; to confound; to abash
avergonzarse: to be ashamed; to blush
avería: failure; fault; breakdown; damage; average
averiado: broken; out of order; damaged
averiar: to damage; to cause to break down
averiarse: to break down; to be damaged
averiguación: inquiry; ascertainment
averiguar: to find out; to inquiry; to ascertain
averno: Avernus; hell
aversión: aversion; loathing; dislike
avestruz: ostrich
avezado: experienced
aviación: aviation; air force
avetoro: bittern
aviado: prepared; ready; estar aviado: to be in a mess
aviador: air pilot; aviator; preparer; equipper
aviar: to tidy up; to get ready; to prepare; to arrange; to equip; to provide; to hasten
avicultura: poultry farming; aviculture
avidez: eagerness; avidity; greed
ávido: eager; greedy; avid
avinagrar: to turn sour
avinagrarse: to turn sour; to become bitter
avío: tidying up; use; service; preparation; provision; avíos: tools; equipment; tackle
avión: plane; airplane
avioneta: light airplane; light aircraft
avisado: warned; advised; prudent; wise; shrewd; canny
avisar: to warn; to advise; to admonish; to inform; to send word
aviso: warning; notice; information; admonishment; advice; prudence; prompt
avispa: wasp
avispado: sharp; quick-witted; clever; smart
avispero: wasp's nest; swarm of wasps; hornet's nest; carbuncle
avispón: hornet
avistar: to glimpse: to sight; to descry; to catch sight of
avitaminosis: vitamin deficiency; avitaminosis
avituallamiento: providing with provisions
avituallar: to provide with food; to victual; to provision
avivar: to stoke up; to enliven; to stir up; to fan; to quicken; to hasten; to stimulate; to heat; to
inflame; to intensify; to revive; to heighten; to brighten
avivarse: to acquire life; to revive; to liven up
avizor: watching; ojo avizor: on the alert
avutarda: great bustard
axial: axial; axile
axila: armpit; axilla