English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

axioma: axiom
ay: ouch; ay de mí: woe is me
aya: nanny; governess; dry nurse
ayer: yesterday
ayo: private tutor
ayuda: help; assistance; aid; enema
ayudante: assistant; aid; aide; adjutant
ayudar: to help; to aid; to assist
ayunar: to fast
ayunas: en ayunas: having taken no food
ayuno: fast
ayuntamiento: town hall; city hall; town council
azabache: jet; jet-black; coal titmouse
azada: hoe
azadón: wide hoe
azafata: air hostess; flight attendant; hostess; assistant; stewardess
azafrán: saffron; crocus
azahar: orange blossom; lemon blossom
azalea: azalea
azar: fate; chance; hazard; mishap; misfortune
azaroso: eventful; misfortunate; unlucky; hazardous; risky
azogar: to silver a mirror; to quicksilver
azogue: quicksilver; mercury
azor: goshawk
azoramiento: embarrassment; trouble; fluster
azorar: to embarrass; to trouble; to rattle; to startle
azorarse: to be or feel embarrassed
azotador: caterpillar
azotaina: spanking; flogging
azotar: to spank; to flog; to smack; to whip; to flagellate; to grip; to lash; to buffet; to beat
azote: smack. slap; lash; scourge; birch; thong
azotea: flat roof; head
azteca: Aztec
azúcar: sugar
azucarar: to sugar; to add sugar to; to coat or ice with sugar
azucarera: sugar refinery
azucarero: sugar producer; sugar bowl
azucarillo: sugar lump; spongy sugar bar
azucena: white lily
azuela: adze
azufre: brimstone; sulphur
azul: blue
azulado: bluish; blue
azulejo: glazed tile; bluebird
azulón: royal blue
azuzar: to set the dogs; to incite; to egg on

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