English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

calvo: bald; hairless; bald-headed; bare; barren
calzada: paved road; road; carriageway; causey; causeway
calzado: shod; calced; calceate; wearing shies; braccate; footwear
calzador: shoehorn
calzar: to put on; to wear; to put shoes on
calzarse: to put on; to wangle
calzo: chock; shim; wedge; scotch; quoin; chuck
calzón: shorts; breeches; trousers
calzonazos: henpecked husband; weak; soft fellow
calzoncillos: drawers; pants
cama: bed; couch; bedstead; lair; part of a melon resting on the ground; brood; litter; sheath;
layer or thickness of food
camada: litter; brood; bed; layer; gang; band
camafeo: cameo
camaleón: chameleon
camaleónico: chameleon-like
cámara: camera; chamber; room; grain loft; granary; stateroom; ward-room; cabin; house; inner
tube; stool; cavity
camarada: comrade; schoolmate; colleague; companion; pal; chum
camaradería: comradeship; friendship; camaraderie
camarera: waitress; barmaid; lady-in-waiting; maid; stewardess
camarero: waiter; barman; steward; papal chamberlain
camarilla: clique; coterie; cabal
camarón: prawn
camarote: cabin; stateroom
camastro: rickety old bed; wretched bed; sleeping boards in a guardhouse
cambalache: barter of cheap things; second hand shop; swap
cambalachear: to barter; to exchange
cámbaro: crab; green crab
cambiable: changeable; exchangeable
cambiadiscos: record changer
cambiador: changing; exchanging; changer
cambiante: variable; changeable; changing; fickle; money-changer
cambiar: to change; to alter; to shift; to convert; to exchange; to swap; to move
cambiazo: big change; swap; switch; dar el cambiazo to make a fraudulent substitution
cambija: raised water reservoir
cambio: change; shift; shifting; exchange; barter; market price; cambium
cambista: money-changer; banker
cambium: cambium
cambray: cambric
cambrón: boxthorn; buckthorn; bramble; Christ's-thorn
cambronal: thicket of boxthorn; buckthorn or brambles
cambronera: boxthorn
cambujo: reddish-black
cambur: kind of banana
camedrio: germander; wall germander
camelar: to court; to flirt with; to cajole; to win over
camelia: camellia
camellero: camel-driver
camello: camel; drug-pusher
camelo: courting; flirtation; deception; con; rip-off; cock-and-bull story

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