camerino: dressing room
Camerún: Cameroon
camilla: stretcher; litter; couch; small bed; table with a heater underneath
camillero: stretcher bearer; porter
caminante: walker; traveller; wayfarer
caminar: to walk; to travel; to journey; to march; to go; to move along; to cover a distance
caminata: long walk; hike; march; excursion
camino: path; track; road; way; course; journey; travel
camión: truck; lorry; bus; camion
camionero: truck driver; lorry driver; bus driver
camioneta: van; station wagon; light motor van
camisa: shirt; chemise; shield; shade; jacket; casing; lining; slough; tegmen; incandescent gas
camisería: shirt factory; shirt shop
camisero: shirt maker
camiseta: vest; undershirt; T-shirt; shirt; jersey
camisola: ruffled shirt; shirt of fine linen
camisón: nightgown; nightdress; nightshirt
camisote: hauberk
camomila: chamomile; camomila
camorra: quarrel; row; fight
camorrista: troublemaking; troublemaker; quarrelsome
campal: batalla campal: pitched battle
campamento: camp; camping; encampment
campana: bell; bell-shaped object; parish
campanada: stroke of a bell; scandal; sensational happening
campanario: bell tower; belfry; campanile
campanearse: to reel
campanilla: small bell; doorbell; uvula; harebell; bellshaped flower; small tassel
campante: unperturbed; pleased; satisfied; content; cheerful
campaña: campaign; level country
campar: to wander; to camp; to excel; to stand out
campeador: champion in a battle
campechano: straightforward; genial; frank; open; hearty; good-humored; generous
campeón: champion; defender
campeonato: championship
campera: jacket
campero: country; unsheltered; good at farming
campesino: rural; country; peasant; countryman
campestre: country; field; rural; campestrian
camping: camp site; camping
campiña: countryside; area of arable land
campista: camper
campo: country; countryside; field; pitch; cultivated land; crops; ground; links; army; side
campus: campus
can: dog; trigger; bracket; corbel; modillion
cana: white hair
Canadá: Canada
canadiense: Canadian
canal: channel; canal; duct; valley; gutter; flute; groove