English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

canalizar: to channel; to canalize; to pipe; to wire; to direct
canalla: rogue; swine; scum; riffraff; rabble; cad; rascal; scoundrel
canallada: dirty trick; caddish trick
canalón: rain water pipe; roof gutter; gargoyle
canapé: canapé; couch; sofa
canario: canary
canasta: basket; large round basket; canasta
canastilla: small basket; baby clothes; sewing basket; layette; trousseau
canasto: big basket
cancela: wrought-iron gate; entrance grating
cancelar: to cancel; to pay off; to annul
cáncer: cancer
cancerbero: goalkeeper; Cerberus
cancerígeno: carcinogenic
canceroso: cancerous
cancha: court; pitch; field; court; cockpit; race-course
canciller: chancellor; foreign minister
cancillería: chancellery; chancery
canción: song; ballad; excuse; canción de cuna: lullaby
cancionero: songbook; book of poetry; collection of lyrics
candado: padlock
candaliza: brail
candeal: white
candela: candle; taper; candlestick; chestnut flower; fire
candelabro: candelabrum
candelaria: great mullein
candelero: candlestick; metal olive-oil lamp; fishing torch; stanchion
candente: candent; candescent; red-hot; burning
candidato: candidate; applicant
candidatura: list of candidates; candidature; candidacy; ballot paper
candidez: naturalness; simplicity; whiteness; naïvety
cándido: innocent; guileless; naïve; simple; easy to deceive; white; snowy
candil: oil lamp; tine of antler; corner of a cocked hat; chandelier
candileja: inner receptacle of an oil lamp; candilejas: footlights
candor: innocence; guilelessness; candour; ingenuousness; pure whiteness
candoroso: innocent; ingenuous; pure; naïve
canela: cinnamon; anything exquisite
canelo: cinnamon-coloured; cinnamon tree; silly; fool
canelón: piece of cannelloni; icicle; gutter; cinnamon candy; tubular element of a fringe
canesú: yoke of a shirt or blouse; a woman's corsage
cangilón: bucket; earthen or metal vessel for liquids; dredge bucket; scoop; fluting of a roof
cangrejo: crayfish; crab; gaff
canguelo: fear
canguro: kangaroo; baby-sitter
caníbal: cannibal; animal
canibalismo: cannibalism
canica: marble
caniche: poodle
canícula: dog days
canijo: weak; puny; weakling; infirm; sickly
canilla: shin; shinbone; spool; bobbin; quill; spout; tap; spigot; unevenness of the wood in

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