thickness or colour
canino: canine
canje: exchange
canjeable: exchangeable
canjear: to exchange
cannabis: cannabis
cano: white; grey; hoary
canoa: canoe
canódromo: dogtrack
canon: rule; canon; royalty; rent; rate; standard measurements of the human figure
canónico: canonical; canonic
canónigo: canon; prebendary
canonización: canonization
canonizar: to canonize
canoro: canorous; sweet-singing; tuneful
canoso: white-haired; grey-haired; hoary
cansado: tired; weary; spent; worn-out; exhausted; tiring; tiresome; wearisome
cansancio: tiredness; fatigue; weariness
cansar: to tire; to tire out; to fatigue; to weary; to bore; to harass; to exhaust
cansarse: to tire; to fatigue; to grow weary; to become exhausted
cansino: weary; tired; exhausted
cantábrico: Cantabrian
cantamañanas: unreliable person
cantante: singer; singing
cantaor: Flamenco singer
cantar: short poem apt for a folk song; to sing; to chant; to speak; to squeak; to confess; to crow;
to chirp; to chirr; to chantey; to call; to attract attention
cántara: pitcher; jug; wine measure equivalent to 32 pints
cantarín: fond of singing; singsong; singer
cántaro: pitcher; jug; water jar; ballot box
cantata: cantata
cantautor: singer-songwriter
cante: song
cantera: quarry; stone pit; talent; capacity
cantero: quarryman; stone cutter; easy-to-break extremity of something hard
cántico: canticle; song
cantidad: quantity; amount; lots; sum; figure; a lot
cantiga: medieval poem
cantimplora: water bottle; canteen; siphon
cantina: canteen; railway buffet; barroom; lunch box
cantinela: refrain; short lyric; song; annoying repetition
cantinera: barmaid; vivandière
cantinero: barman; canteen-keeper
canto: singing; chant; chirp; edge; rim; thickness; back; stone
cantón: canton; district; region; corner; cantonment
cantonés: Cantonese
cantor: singing; singer; cantor
canturrear: to hum; to sing in low voice
cánula: catheter; cannula
canuto: cardboard tube; poster tube; joint
caña: cane; reed; cane; long bone; shank; cannon; tall and narrow wine tumbler; beer; shaft of a