English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

catión: cation
cátodo: cathode
catolicismo: Catholicism
católico: Catholic; no estar muy católico: to feel out of sorts; to feel bad
catorce: fourteen
catorceavo: fourteenth
catre: bed; cot; light bed
cauce: bed; course; channel; ditch
caucho: rubber; indian-rubber
caudal: rate of flow; of great volume; caudal; fortune; wealth; means; plenty; abundance;
volume of water
caudaloso: full of water; rich; wealthy
caudillo: chief; leader; military leader
causa: cause; reason; origin; motive; lawsuit; trial at law
causante: cause; causing; originator
causar: to cause; to do; to create; to originate; to occasion
cáustico: caustic; baiting; vesicatory
cautela: caution; wariness; craft; cunning
cautelar: precautionary; to prevent
cauteloso: cautious; wary; guarded
cauterizar: to cauterize
cautivar: to capture; to take prisoner; to captivate; to enthrall; to charm; to win the attention
cautiverio: captivity; imprisonment
cautividad: captivity
cautivo: captive
cauto: cautious; wary; prudent
cava: royal wine cellar; type of Spanish sparkling wine; digging
cavar: to dig; to hoe; to go to the bottom
caverna: cave; cavern; morbid cavity
cavernícola: cave dweller; reactionary; backwoodsman
cavernoso: deep; hollow; cavernous
caviar: caviar
cavidad: cavity
cavilación: deep thought; rumination; brooding over; unfounded apprehension; fancy
cavilar: to think deeply; to brood; to ruminate; to muse on
cayado: crook; hooked staff; cozier
cayo: key; cay
caza: hunting; chase; game; pursuit plane; fighter
cazabombardero: fighter-bomber
cazador: hunter; hunting; huntsman; fowler; chasseur
cazadora: huntress; jacket
cazalla: type of alcoholic spirit
cazar: to hunt; to fowl; to catch; to trap; to understand; to grasp
cazasubmarinos: submarine chaser
cazatalentos: headhunter; talent scout
cazatorpedero: torpedo-boat destroyer
cazo: saucepan; ladle; dipper; back of knife
cazuela: saucepan; casserole; earthen cooking pan; gallery
cazurro: dour; unforthcoming; taciturn; reticent
cebada: barley
cebador: choke; priming horn; powder flask; fattening; feeding; priming

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