cebar: to feed up; to fatten; to bait; to sow; to brew; to catch; to take hold
cebarse: to gorge oneself
cebo: bait; lure; incentive; food given to animals; primer charge; African monkey
cebolla: onion; bulb
cebolleta: spring onion; green onion; scallion
cebollino: chive; dunce; onion seedling
cebra: zebra
cebú: zebu
cecear: to lisp; to pronounce s as c
ceceo: lisping; pronunciation of s as c
cecina: salt meat; corned and dried meat
cedazo: sieve; bolt; bolter; large fish net
ceder: to yield; to cede; to transfer; to give up; to give way; to submit; to stop; to give out; to
abate; to slacken
cedilla: cedilla
cedro: cedar
cédula: bond; identity card
cefalea: headache
céfiro: zephyr
cegar: to blind; to fill; to become blind; to obfuscate; to dazzle
cegarse: to be blinded; to become blocked
cegato: short-sighted; short-sighted person
ceguera: blindness; obfuscation
ceja: eyebrow; brow; bridge; nut; projecting part; flange; cloud cap
cejar: to give up; to back up; to go backward; to relax; to desist
cejijunto: frowning
celada: ambush; trap; snare; sallet; helmet
celador: caretaker; janitor; warder; watcher; inspector; security guard; custodian; watching
celda: cell
celdilla: cell; niche; cavity
celebración: celebration; holding; praise; applause
celebrar: to celebrate; to hold; to be glad about; to laugh at; to honour; to praise
celebrarse: to be celebrated; to be held; to take place
célebre: famous; well-known; celebrated; funny; witty
celebridad: celebrity; fame; celebration; festival
celeridad: speed; celerity
celeste: heavenly; celestial; pale blue; sky blue
celestial: celestial; heavenly; perfect; delightful
celibate: celibacy; bachelor; single man
célibe: celibate; single; unmarried; bachelor or spinster
celo: zeal; heat; rut; celos: jealousy
celofán: Cellophane
celosía: lattice; grille
celoso: jealous; conscientious; suspicious; zealous
celta: Celtic; Celt
celtíbero: Celtiberian
céltico: Celtic
célula: cell
celular: cellular
celulitis: cellulite
celuloide: celluloid; cinema