English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

celulosa: cellulose
cementerio: cemetery; churchyard; graveyard
cemento: concrete; cement
cena: supper; dinner
cenagal: quagmire; morass; slough
cenar: to have supper; to have dinner; to sup
cencerro: cowbell; estar como un cencerro: to be nuts
cenicero: ashtray; ash pan; ashpit
Cenicienta: Cinderella
ceniciento: ashen; ash-gray
cenit, cénit: zenith
ceniza: ash; ashes; oidium
cenizo: ash-coloured; jinxed; jinx; hoodoo; oidium; goosefoot
censar: to take a census
censo: census; tax; rent charge
censor: censor; critic
censura: censorship; censure; body of censors
censurable: deplorable; blamable; reprehensible
censurar: to censor; to condemn; to blame; to criticize
centauro: centaur
centavo: hundredth; cent
centella: lightning; thunderbolt; spark; flash
centellear: to sparkle; to twinkle; to gleam; to glint; to flash; to scintillate
centena: hundred
centenar: hundred; rye field
centenario: hundred-year-old; centenary; centennial; centenarian
centeno: rye
centésima: hundredth
centésimo: hundredth; centesimal
centígrado: centigrade
centigramo: centigram
centilitro: centilitre; centiliter
centímetro: centimeter; centimetre
céntimo: cent; hundredth part
centinela: sentry; sentinel; guard; watchman
centolla: spider crab; thornback
centollo: spider crab
centrado: correctly positioned; centered; centred; well-balanced; well-adjusted
central: central; centre back; center back; power station; powerhouse; head office; headquarters;
main office
centralismo: centralism
centralita: switchboard
centralizar: to centralize
centrar: to centre; to center; to concentrate; to cross
céntrico: central; centric; downtown
centrifugador: centrifugal
centrifugadora: spin dryer; spin drier
centrifugar: to spin; to centrifuge
centrífugo: centrifugal
centro: centre; center; middle; cross; goal; aim; club; association; main office; headquarters;
centro comercial: shopping mall

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