contracción: contraction; shrinking
contracepción: contraception
contrachapado: plywood
contracorriente: countercurrent; back water
contracultura: counterculture
contradecir: to contradict; to go against; to gainsay
contradecirse: to contradict oneself
contradicción: contradiction; gainsaying; opposition; inconsistency
contradictorio: contradictory
contraer: to contract; to limit; to confine
contraespionaje: counterespionage
contrafuerte: buttress; counterfort; counter; spur
contrahecho: deformed; twisted
contraindicación: contraindication
contralmirante: rear admiral
contralto: contralto
contraluz: against the light
contramaestre: warrant officer; foreman; boatswain
contramano: in the wrong direction
contraofensiva: counteroffensive
contraoferta: counteroffer
contraorden: countercommand; countermand; counterorder
contrapartida: compensating factor; compensation; emendatory entry
contrapelo: against the hair
contrapeso: counterweight; counterpoise; counterbalance
contraponer: to contrast; to compare; to set against
contraportada: back page; title verso
contraproducente: counterproductive; self-defeating
contrapropuesta: counterproposal
contrapuesto: clashing; set against; compared; opposed
contrapunto: counterpoint
contrariado: upset; annoyed
contrariar: to go against; to take the opposite view; to upset; to mortify; to chagrin; to vex; to
contrariedad: setback; annoyance; contrariety; opposition; mortification; vexation;
contrario: opposite; opposed; against; contrary; opponent; adverse; hostile; harmful;
contrarreforma: Counter Reformation
contrarrestar: to counteract; to resist; to oppose; to neutralize
contrasentido: contradiction; nonsense; inconsistency
contraseña: secret sign; password; countersign; countermark
contrastar: to test; to check; to hallmark; to be in contrast; to resist
contraste: contrast; resistance; opposition; hall mark
contrata: contract; engagement
contratación: hiring; employment; commerce; trade; contracting
contratar: to contract for; to engage; to hire
contratiempo: mishap; hitch; disappointment; contretemps
contratista: contractor
contrato: contract
contravenir: to contravene; to infringe