contraventana: shutter
contrayente: contracting; contracting party
contribución: contribution; donation; tax
contribuir: to contribute; to help; to pay taxes
contribuyente: taxpaying; contributor
contrición: contrition
contrincante: opponent; adversary; competitor; opponent; rival
control: control; check; checkpoint
controlador: control; controller
controlar: to control; to check; to verify
controlarse: to control oneself
controversia: controversy; disputation
controvertido: controversial
contumaz: stubborn; contumacious; guilty of default
contundente: heavy; blunt; convincing; conclusive; forceful; impressive
contusión: contusion; bruise
convalecencia: convalescence
convalecer: to convalesce; to recover
convaleciente: convalescent
convalidación: accreditation; validation; confirmation
convalidar: to accredit; to validate; to confirm
convencer: to convince
convencerse: to become convinced
convencido: convinced; sure
convencimiento: conviction; belief
convención: convention; assembly; agreement
convencional: conventional; member of a convention
convencionalismo: convention; conventionalism
convenido: agreed; settled by agreement
conveniencia: advisability; usefulness; benefit; conformity; agreement; fitness; suitability;
desirability; convenience; advantage; interest
conveniente: convenient; advisable; fit; suitable; expedient; opportune; good; useful;
convenio: agreement; covenant; pact
convenir: to agree; to meet; to convene; to befit; to harmonize; to be convenient; to fit one's
convento: convent; nunnery; monastery
convergencia: convergence; agreement; concurrence
converger: to converge; to meet; to concur
convergir: converger
conversación: conversation; talk
conversador: talkative; chatty; talker
conversar: to talk; to chat; to converse
conversión: conversion; transformation; change
converso: converted; convert; lay brother
convertible: convertible
convertir: to turn; to change; to convert
convertirse: to become; to turn into
convexo: convex
convicción: conviction; belief
convicto: convicted