convidado: invited; guest
convidar: to invite; to treat; to encourage; to move; to incite
convidarse: to invite oneself
convincente: convincing
convite: meal; invitation; treat; entertainment; banquet
convivencia: life together
convivir: to live with
convocar: to call together; to summon; to announce; to convoke; to convene
convocatoria: notification; announcement
convoy: convoy; train; retinue; cruet stand
convulsión: convulsion; upheaval; unrest
convulsivo: convulsive
conyugal: conjugal; marital; matrimonial
cónyuge: spouse; consort
coña: joke
coñac: brandy; cognac
cooperación: cooperation
cooperar: to cooperate
cooperativa: cooperative
cooperativista: member of a cooperative
cooperativo: cooperative
coordenada: coordinate
coordinación: coordination
coordinado: coordinated
coordinador: coordinating; organizing; coordinator
coordinadora: coordinating committee
coordinar: to coordinate
copa: glass; goblet; wineglass; drink; cup; brazier; top; crown; suit corresponding to hearts
copar: to take; to sweep
copartícipe: partner; joint participator
cópec, cópeck: kopeck
copete: topping; topknot; tuft; pompadour; crest; forelock; ornamental top; arrogance;
copia: copy; duplicate; abundance; plenty
copiar: to copy; to mimic; to ape
copiloto: co-pilot; co-driver
copioso: abundant; plentiful; copious
copista: copyist
copla: verse; popular song; stanza; song; ballad
copo: flake; clot; bunch of wool or flax; bottom of purse net; cutting the retreat of an army;
sweeping all posts
coproducción: coproduction
copropietario: joint owner; co-proprietor
coprotagonista: co-star
coprotagonizar: to co-star in
copto: Copt; Coptic
cópula: copulation; copula; link
copular: to copulate
copulativo: copulative; joining
coquetear: to flirt; to coquet
coqueteo: flirtation; flirting; coquetting