English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

coquetería: flirtatiousness; coquetry
coqueto: vain; nice
coraje: courage; mettle; cheek; anger; irritation
coral: choral; coral; chorale; choir
Corán: Koran
coraza: cuirass; shell; armour
corazón: heart; core; sweetheart; middle finger
corazonada: hunch; presentiment; foreboding; impulse
corbata: tie; necktie; cravat; scarf
corbeta: corvette; sloop of war
Córcega: Corsica
corcel: steed; charger
corchea: quaver; eighth note
corchero: cork; cork-tree peeler
corchete: fastener; hook; square bracket; brace; bumbailiff; catchpole
corcho: cork; float; beehive
córcholis: gosh; gracious me!
cordel: string; twine; fine cord
corderito: sheepskin; little lamb
cordero: lamb; lambskin
cordial: friendly; hearty; warm; affectionate; ; sincere; cordial; invigorating; middle finger
cordialidad: friendliness; cordiality; heartiness; warmth
cordillera: mountain range; chain of mountains
cordobán: cordovan; tanned goatskin
cordón: piece of string; shoelace; shoestring; cable; flex; electric cord; cordon; strand; torus
cordura: sanity; good sense; prudence; wisdom
Corea: Korea
coreano: Korean
corear: to sing in chorus
coreografía: choreography
coreográfico: choreographic
coreógrafo: choreographer
corinto: maroon
corista: chorus girl; chorist; chorister; chorus man
cormorán: cormorant
cornada: thrust with the horns
cornamenta: horns; antlers
córnea: cornea
cornear: to gore; to horn
corneja: small crow; jackdaw; daw; scops owl
córneo: horny; corneous
córner: corner
corneta: bugle; swineherd's horn; bugler; broad pennant
cornetín: cornet; cornet player
cornezuelo: ergot; small horn
cornisa: cornice
coro: chorus; choir
corola: corolla
corolario: corollary
corona: crown; halo; nimbus; wreath; krone; coronet; clerical tonsure; corona; crownwork;
summit; crowning; end

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