English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

coronación: coronation; climax
coronar: to crown; to be at the top of
coronario: coronary; fine
coronel: colonel; coronet; top moulding
coronilla: crown of the head; little crown
corpiño: sleeveless bodice; waist
corporación: corporation; association; college; guild
corporal: corporal; of the body
corporativista: corporativist
corporativo: corporative
corpóreo: bodily; corporeal
corpulencia: corpulence
corpulento: heavily-built; corpulent; bulky
corpúsculo: corpuscle
corral: farmyard; corral; enclosure; fold; weir; playpen
correa: strap; belt; thong; lead; lash; purlin; stamina
correaje: belts; straps; belting
corrección: correction; correctness; rectitude; honesty; adjustment
correccional: corrective; reformatory; remand house; prison
correctivo: corrective; correcting; punishment
correcto: correct; regular; polite
corrector: corrective; proofreader
corredera: runner; groove; rail; track; sliding panel; log; slide valve
corredizo: sliding; running; slip
corredor: runner; land agent; stockbroker; canvasser; corridor; passage; covert way
corregir: to correct; to mark; to proofread; to temper; to mitigate; to adjust
corregirse: to mend one's ways; to correct itself
correlación: correlation
correlativo: correlative
correligionario: fellow believer; fellow supporter
correo: post; mail; correspondence; courier
correoso: flexible; pliable; stringy; tough; leathery
correr: to run; to hurry; to hasten; to spread; to flow; to move; to blow; to ramble; to roam; to
rove; to pass; to travel; to chase; to hunt
correrse: to move up; to run; to come
correría: raid; foray; wandering; excursion
correspondencia: correspondence; mail; connection; return; reciprocation
corresponder: to correspond; to answer; to pertain; to belong; to repay; to reciprocate
corresponderse: to agree; to correspond; to love each other
correspondiente: corresponding; respective; correspondent; due
corresponsal: correspondent
corretear: to run about; to ramble; to wander; to romp
correveidile: gossip monger; go-between
corrida: run; reprehension; bullfight
corrido: long; continuous; embarrassed; abashed; confused; dissipate; flowing
corriente: flowing; running; ordinary; common; average; usual; correct; afable
corrillo: small group; clique
corrimiento: landslide; landslip; running; guttering; shame; confusion; vine blight
corro: ring; circle; ring-around-a-rosy; circular space
corroboración: corroboration; strengthening
corroborar: to corroborate; to strengthen

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