corroer: to corrode; to erode; to wear away; to consume
corroerse: to become corroded
corromper: to rot; to corrupt; to bribe; to seduce; to debauch; to mar; to spoil; to vitiate
corromperse: to stagnate; to rot; to become corrupted
corrosión: corrosion; erosion
corrosivo: corrosive; caustic
corrupción: decay; corruption; vitiation; depravation; pollution; filth; stench
corruptibilidad: corruptibility
corrupto: corrupt; corrupted
corruptor: corrupting; corrupter
corrusco: crust of bread
corsario: privateer; corsair; pirate
corsé: corset; stays
corsetería: corset shop
corso: Corsican; privateering
cortacésped: lawnmower
cortacircuitos: circuit breaker
cortado: sour; off; curdled; shy; embarrassed; with a dash of milk
cortadura: cut; incision; slit; slash; ravine
cortafuego: firebreak; fireguard
cortante: cutting; brusque; sharp; biting
cortapisa: restriction; limitation; interference
cortaplumas: penknife; pocketknife
cortar: to cut; to slash; to cut off; to cut out; to divide; to split up; to trim; to pare; to clip; to
hew; to hack; to cross; to intersect; to interrupt; to cut short; to stop; to bar; to chap; to pierce; to
crack; to slit
cortarse: to cut; to cut oneself; to chap; to curdle; to get embarrassed
cortaúñas: nail clippers
corte: cut; cutting edge; style; length; court; suite; retinue; stable
cortedad: smallness; shortness; shyness; bashfulness; timidity; diffidence
cortejar: to court; to woo
cortejo: entourage; train; procession; court; homage; sweetheart; paramour
Cortes: the Parliament
cortés: polite; courteous; civil; gracious
cortesano: of the court; courtier; courteous; polite
cortesía: courtesy; politeness; compliment; attention; present; favor
corteza: bark; rind; crust; peel; exterior surface; rusticity
cortijo: farm and farmhouse; grange
cortina: curtain; drape; shade; screen
cortisona: cortisone
corto: short; scant; scanty; wanting; bashful; timid; dim; dumb; short movie
cortocircuito: short circuit
cortometraje: short movie
corva: back of the knee
corvejón: hock; gambrel; cormorant
corvo: curved; bent; hook; gaff
corzo: roebuck; roe deer
cosa: thing; matter; affair
cosaco: Cossack
coscorrón: blow on the head; bump
cosecha: harvest; crop; yield; vintage