English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

manotear: to wave one's hand around; to gesticulate with the hands
mansalva: without danger; a mansalva: lots and lots
mansarda: attic; mansard roof
mansedumbre: tameness; gentleness; meekness; mildness
mansión: mansion; abode; dwelling; stay; sojourn
manso: tame; gentle; meek; mild; soft; quiet; slow
manta: blanket; mantelet; mantlet; beating; drubbing; layabout; lazy
mantear: to toss in a blanket
manteca: fat; lard; butter
mantecado: butter bun; ice-cream; delicacy made with lard and flour
mantecoso: greasy; buttery
mantel: tablecloth; altar cloth
mantelería: table linen
mantener: to keep; to maintain; to support
mantenerse: to keep
mantengo: mantener
mantenida: mistress
mantenimiento: maintenance; upkeep; support; sustenance; food; living; keeping; carrying on
mantequería: grocer's shop; grocery store
mantequilla: butter; hard sauce
mantilla: mantilla; shawl; saddlecloth; blanket
mantillo: humus; topsoil; mulch; manure
mantis, mantis religiosa: praying mantis
mantisa: mantissa
manto: cloak; mantle; robe of state; large mantilla
mantón: shawl; mantón de Manila: brightly coloured embroidered silk shawl
manual: manual; handbook
manualidades: crafts
manubrio: handle; crank; handlebars; wheel; manubrium
manufactura: manufacture; manufactured article; factory
manufacturado: manufactured
manufacturar: to manufacture
manuscrito: handwritten; manuscript
manutención: maintenance; sustenance; board; upkeep; conservation
manzana: apple; pommel; round ornamental block; Adam's apple
manzanilla: camomile; small round olive; pad; cushion; manzanilla
manzano: apple tree
maña: skill; trick; dexterity; cunning; knack; address; cleverness; tact; wile; bad habit
mañana: tomorrow; later; morning; forenoon; pasado mañana: the day after tomorrow
mañanero: morning; early-rising
mañanita: bed jacket
maño: inhabitant of Aragón
mañoso: good with one's hands; dexterous; skilful; clever; shrewd; having bad habits
maoísmo: Maoism
maorí: Maori
mapa: map; chart
mapache: raccoon
mapamundi: world map
maqueta: scale model; dummy; demo; maquette
maquiavélico: Machiavellian
maquillador: make-up artist

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