English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

maquillaje: make-up
maquillar: to make up; to disguise
maquillarse: to make oneself up
máquina: machine, camera; locomotive; engine; machinery
maquinación: plot; scheme; machination
maquinal: mechanical; unconscious; automatic
maquinar: to plot; to machinate, to scheme; to concoct
maquinaria: machinery; mechanism
maquinilla: razor
maquinista: machinist; engine driver; engineer; camera assistant
mar: sea; ocean; a mares: abundantly
marabú: marabou
marabunta: swarm of ants; crowd
maraca: maraca
maracuyá: passion fruit
marajá: maharajah
maraña: thicket; tangle; muddle; mess; complexity; puzzle; tale; lie; mischief; discord
marasmo: paralysis; inactivity; depression; marasmus
maratón: marathon
maratoniano: marathon
maravedí: maravedi
maravilla: wonder; marvel; amazement; marigold; ivy-leaved morning glory
maravillar: to amaze; to astonish
maravillarse: to wonder; to marvel
maravilloso: wonderful; marvellous; wondrous
marbete: label; border
marca: mark; record; brand; make; standard of measure; seamark; landmark; march
marcado: marked; pronounced
marcador: scoreboard; feeder; hallmarker; marking; branding
marcaje: marking; coverage
marcapasos: pacemaker
marcar: to mark; to brand; to stencil; to lay out; to assign; to put a price on; to emphasize; to
show; to dial; to score; to cover; to set
marcasita: marcasite
marcha: march; departure; speed; gear; progress; motion; course; going; operation; running;
marchamo: mark; label; lead seal; custom house mark
marchante: merchant; dealer
marchar: to march; to walk; to go; to proceed; to go ahead; to make progress; to work; to run; to
move; to leave
marcharse: to leave; to depart; to go away
marchitar: to wither; to wilt; to fade
marchitarse: to wither; to wilt; to fade, to languish
marchito: withered; faded; shrivelled; wilted
marchoso: fun-loving; lively; party animal
marcial: martial; soldierly; warlike
marciano: Martian
marco: frame; doorcase; windowcase; mark; standard; goal; size stick
marea: tide; gentle sea breeze; dew; drizzle; marea negra: oil slick
mareado: sick; nauseated; seasick; carsick; airsick; dizzy; giddy; confused; annoyed
marear: to confuse; to annoy; to bother; to sail a ship

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