English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

marearse: to get dizzy; to become nauseated or sick
marejada: swell; surge; ground sea; commotion; stirring
maremágnum: crowd; sea of people; confusion; morass; omnium-gatherum
maremoto: seaquake
marengo: dark grey
mareo: sickness; nausea; dizziness; muddle; annoyance
marfil: ivory
marga: loam; marl
margarina: margarine
margarita: daisy; marguerite; daisywheel; margarita; periwinkle; pearl
margen: margin; border; edge; verge; fringe; bank; occasion; reason
marginación: marginalization; isolation
marginado: marginalized; outcast
marginal: marginal; secondary
marginar: to margin; to exclude; to marginalize; to write marginal notes; to leave a margin
maría: cinch; easy; housewife; marihuana; grass
mariachi: mariachi
mariano: Marian
marica: queer; milksop; sissy; magpie
Maricastaña: en tiempos de Maricastaña: in the days of yore; long ago
maricón: queer; pansy; sodomite
maridaje: union; agreement; harmony; conjugal affection and agreement
marido: husband
mariguana, marihuana: marihuana
marimacho: mannish; butch; virago; tomboy; hoyden
marimandón: bossy; bossyboots
marimorena: row; shindy
marina: navy; seamanship; seascape; marine; seashore; seaside
marinar: to salt; to marinate; to man a ship
marinería: sailoring; nautical profession; sailors; crew
marinero: marine; sailorlike; seaworthy; mariner; sailor; seaman; middy; middy blouse
marino: marine; sea; nautical; sailor; mariner, seaman
marioneta: puppet; marionette
mariposa: butterfly; floating taper; night taper
mariposear: to change frequently one's occupations; to flutter around; to flirt
mariquita: ladybird; ladybug; sissy; milkshop
marisabidilla: know-all; blue-stocking
mariscada: shellfish dish
mariscal: marshal; farrier
marisco: shellfish
marisma: salt marsh
marital: marital
marítimo: sea; maritime; marine
marjal: marsh; moor; swamp
marketing: marketing
marmita: cooking pot; kettle; boiler
marmitako: dish made with tuna fish and potatoes
mármol: marble; marver; imposing stone
marmolería: marble mason's workshop; marblework
marmolista: marble mason; marble worker; marble dealer
marmóreo: marble; marbly; marmoreal

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