marmota: marmot; sleepyhead
maroma: rope; tightrope; cable of hemp or esparto
maromo: guy
marqué: marcar
marqués: marquis; marquess
marquesa: marchioness; awning over a field tent
marquesado: marquisate; marquessate
marquesina: canopy; marquee, shelter
marquetería: marquetry; cabinet work
marrajo: shark; treacherous; vicious; artful; wily; tricky
marrana: sow; dirty or slovenly woman; unprincipled woman
marranada: filthy thing; dirty trick; filthiness
marrano: pig; hog; filthy pig; swine; base; vile
marrar: to miss; to fail, to go astray
marras: a long time ago: de marras: mentioned
marrasquino: maraschino
marrón: brown; maroon; trouble
marroquí: Moroccan; morocco
marroquinería: leather industry; leather goods
Marruecos: Morocco
marrullería: cunning; wheedling
marrullero: devious; cunning; wheedling; dirty player
Marsella: Marseilles
marsopa, marsopla: porpoise; sea hog
marsupial: marsupial
marta: marten; marta cebellina: sable
Marte: Mars
martes: Tuesday; martes de carnaval: Shrove Tuesday
martillar: to hammer; to worry; to torment
martillazo: blow with a hammer
martillear: to hammer; to worry; to torment
martillo: hammer; malleus; auction rooms; martillo neumático: pneumatic drill
martín pescador: king fisher
martinete: night heron; hammer; drive hammer
martingala: drag; pain; trick; cunning
mártir: martyr
martirio: martyrdom
martirizar: to martyr; to martyrize; to torment
martirizarse: to torture or torment oneself
marxismo: Marxism
marxista: Marxist
marzo: March
más: more; most; other; plus; especially; any more; más bien: rather; more
mas: but
masa: mass; dough; cake mixture; pastry; aggregate; bulk; lump; whole; cement; mortar; ground
masacre: massacre
masaje: massage
masajista: masseur; masseuse; physio
mascar: to chew; to masticate; to mumble; to mutter
máscara: mask; masker; masquerade; disguise
mascarada: masquerade; mummery