mascarilla: mask; face pack
mascarón: large mask; mask; stone head; mascarón de proa: figurehead
mascota: mascot; pet
masculinidad: masculinity; manliness
masculino: masculine; manly; male
mascullar: to mumble; to mutter
masía: traditional farmhouse in Catalonia
masificación: overcrowding
masilla: putty; mastic
masivo: massive
masón: mason; freemason
masonería: masonry; freemasonry
masoquismo: masochism
masoquista: masochist; masochistic
máster: master's degree
masticar: to chew; to masticate
mástil: mast; flagpole; tent pole; neck; trunk; stem; stalk; shaft
mastín: mastiff
mastodonte: mastodon
mastodóntico: enormous; gigantic
mastuerzo: cress; pepergrass; water cress; dolt; simpleton; oaf
masturbación: masturbation
masturbarse: to masturbate
mata: shrub; bush; sprig; patch; mastic tree; mata de pelo: head of hair
matacán: nux vomica; machicolation
matadero: slaughterhouse; abattoir; tiresome work
matador: exhausting; backbreaking; killing; horrible; killer; matador; bullfighter
matadura: sore; gall; bruise
matalahuga, matalahuva: anise; aniseed
matamoscas: fly spray; fly swatter
matanza: massacre; slaughter; butchery; killing; swine slaughtering and the season for it; por
matar: to kill; to slay; to murder; to slaughter; to put out; to gall; to slack; to stave off; to slake;
to satisfy; to dull; to mat; to obliterate; to cancel; to ruin, to destroy; to harass; to worry; to vex
matarse: to be killed; to kill oneself; to wear oneself out; to clash
matarife: slaughterman; butcher
matarratas: rat poison
matasanos: quack; unskilled doctor
matasellos: stamp; postmark
matasuegras: party blower
mate: matt; dull; lusterless; checkmate; mate; dunk; maté; gourd
matemáticas: mathematics; maths; math
matemático: mathematician; mathematical
materia: matter; material; substance; stuff; subject; topic; cause; occasion
material: material; physical; stationery; crude; coarse; ingredient; equipment
materialismo: materialism
materialista: materialist; materialistic; haulage contractor; trucker; truck; lorry
materializar: to put into practice; to materialize
materializarse: to become materialistic
maternal: maternal; motherly
maternidad: motherhood; maternity; maternity ward; maternity hospital