materno: maternal; mother
matinal: morning; matinal; matutine; matinée
matiné: matinée
matiz: shade; tint; nuance; hue
matización: clarification
matizar: to blend; to clarify; to nuance; to shade; to variegate
matojo: bush; shrub
matón: bully; bodyguard; thug; hector
matorral: bush; scrubland; thicket; heath; brake
matraca: rattle; nuisance; pestering; importunity; wooden rattle
matraz: flask; matrass
matrero: bandit
matriarca: matriarch
matriarcado: matriarchy; matriarchate
matriarcal: matriarchal
matricaria: feverfew
matrícula: register; roll; enrolment; registration number; license number; number plate; license
plate; matriculation; matrícula de honor: distinction
matricular: to register; to enroll; to matriculate
matricularse: to enrol; to register
matrimonial: marital; matrimonial
matrimoniar: to marry; to get married
matrimoniarse: to marry; to get married
matrimonio: matrimony; marriage; couple; wedding
matriz: womb; mould; mold; matrix; stub; counterfoil; stencil; first; main; chief; mother
matrona: midwife; matron
matutino: morning; matutinal; matutine
maullar: to miaow; to mew
maullido: miaow; mew; meow
mausoleo: mausoleum
maxilar: maxillary; jaw; jaw bone
máxima: saying; maxim; highest temperature
máxime: especially; principally
máximo: maximum; greatest; top
maya: daisy; Mayan
mayal: flail
mayar: to miaow; to mew
mayestático: majestic
mayido: miaowing; mewing
mayo: May
mayonesa: mayonnaise
mayor: bigger; larger; greater; older; elder; biggest; greatest; largest; oldest; eldest; senior; of
age; principal; chief; main; high; major; superior; head; al por mayor: wholesale
mayoral: stockman; foreman; chargehand; coachman; head shepherd
mayorazgo: eldest son; primogeniture; entailed state
mayordomo: butler; majordomo; steward
mayoría: majority; plurality; full age
mayorista: wholesale; wholesaler
mayoritario: majority
mayúscula: capital letter
mayúsculo: large; awful; tremendous; enormous