maza: sledgehammer; mace; drumstick; butt; club; bore
mazacote: concrete; tough; doughy food; bore; barilla
mazamorra: sweetened maize porridge; anything broken into small pieces
mazapán: marzipan; marchpane
mazazo: heavy blow; blow with a mace
mazmorra: underground dungeon
mazo: mallet; maul; wooden hammer; pestle; bunch; pack; deck; wad; bore
mazorca: corncob; thick ear or spike; ear; caco pod; spindle; spindleful
mazurca: mazurca
me: me; to me; for me; myself
meada: pee; piss; urination; spot made by urine
meado: urine-stained; wet with urine
meandro: meander
mear: to urinate; to have a piss; to make water
mearse: to piss oneself
mecachis: damn; hell
mecánica: mechanics; workings; machinery; works; fatigue
mecánico: mechanic; mechanical; drive; chauffeur; repairman
mecanismo: mechanism
mecanización: mechanization
mecanizado: mechanized
mecanizar: to mechanize
mecano: Meccano
mecanografía: typing; typewriting
mecanografiar: to type; to typewrite
mecanógrafo: typist; typewriter
mecate: string; rope
mecedora: rocking chair
mecenas: patron of art or literature
mecenazgo: patronage
mecer: to rock; to swing
mecerse: to rock; to swing; to sway
mecha: wick; fuse; match; strip of bacon for larding; roll of lint; sliver; rove; lock; tuft; heel;
joke; mechas: highlights
mechar: to lard
mechero: mechero: lighter; burner; socket
mechón: lock; tuft
medalla: medal; medallion; medallist
medallero: medal table
medallista: medallist; medal winner
medallón: medallion; locket; slice
médano: dune; sandbank
media: stocking; sock; average; mean; half
mediación: mediation; intercession
mediado: half empty; half full; a mediados de: about the middle of
mediador: mediatory; mediator; intercessor
medialuna: crescent; croissant
mediana: median; central reservation; median strip; long billiard cue
medianero: dividing; middle; mediating; interceding; mediator; intercessor
medianía: moderate circumstances; mediocrity
mediano: medium; middling; moderate; average; mediocre; bad; worthless