English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

medianoche: midnight; roll; bun; small meat pie
mediante: intervening; interceding; by means of; through; Dios mediante: God willing
mediar: to intervene; to intercede; to mediate; to elapse; to be at the middle; to pass; to go by
mediatizar: to influence; to mediatize
medicación: medication; medical treatment; medicines
medicamento: medicine; medicament
medicar: to give medicine to; to medicate; to cure by medicine
medicarse: to take medicine
medicina: medicine; medicament
medicinal: medicinal
medición: measuring; measurement; mensuration
médico: doctor; medical; physician
medida: measure; measurement; mensuration; proportion; correspondence; step; moderation;
medidor: measuring; measurer; meter
medieval: medieval
medievalismo: medievalism
medievo: Middle Ages
medio: half; half a; middle; mean; average; medium; medial; median; mid; partially; halfway;
midst; means; agency; environment
medioambiental: environmental
mediocre: mediocre
mediocridad: mediocrity
mediodía: noon; midday; early afternoon; south
medioevo: Middle Ages
mediofondista: middle-distance runner
medir: to measure; to weigh up; to gauge; to scan
medirse: to measure oneself; to act with moderation
meditabundo: thoughtful; pensive; meditative; musing
meditación: meditation
meditar: to meditate; to think
mediterráneo: mediterranean
médium: medium
medrar: to grow; to thrive; to prosper; to flourish
medroso: fearful; timorous; fainthearted; dreadful; frightful
médula: marrow; pith; core; heart; substance
medular: of the marrow; medullar; vital; central
medusa: jellyfish; medusa
megabyte: megabyte
megafonía: public address system
megáfono: megaphone
megahertzio: megahertz
megalítico: megalithic
megalito: megalith
megalomanía: megalomania
megalómano: megalomaniac
megatón: megaton
meiga: witch
mejicano: Mexican
Méjico: Mexico
mejilla: cheek

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