The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
628 Subject Index

MGRS.See Masculine Gender Role Stress
Mindsets, 199
Minimalists, on sex differences, 17
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI), 51–52
MMPI.See Minnesota Multiphasic
Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Modeling (observational learning), 148–150
Modern Family(TV show), 441
Modern sexism, 70–71
Monitoring the Future Study, 368–369
Monozygotic twins, 135
Moral development, sex differences in,
Morbidity, 342, 348–350.See alsoHealth
illness behavior and, 349
Morocco, 12–13
Mortality, 342–348.See alsoHealth
Morality of responsibility, 129
Morality of rights, 129
Morning after pill, 20
Mother Goose, 160
Mothers, parenting and health of, 444
Motor vehicle accidents, 366
Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial
Research Group, 355
Muxe, 12
My Religion(Keller), 308
Narcissistic personality disorder, 518
Narrative review, 105
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey, 369
National Household Survey on Drug
Abuse, 368
National Institutes of Health, 355
negative effects of, 516
National Organization for Changing Men.
See National Organization for Men
Against Sexism (NOMAS)
National Organization for Men Against
Sexism (NOMAS), 21
National Organization for Women
(NOW), 19
National Rifle Association (NRA), 175
Native American cultures, multiple genders
in, 11–12
Naturevs.nurture, 140
Negative correlation, 32–33
Negative femininity, 530
Negative reciprocity, 327
Negotiations, salary, 466–467
Netherlands, 297
Nicotine replacement therapy, 363
Nicotine, addition to, 303
NOMAS.See National Organization for Men
Against Sexism (NOMAS)
Nonverbal behavior, 234, 235–239
encoding, 237
gazing, 236–237
interpersonal sensitivity, 237
smiling, 236
social role theory of, 256
status theory of, 253–254
touching, 237–239
NOW.See National Organization for Women
NRA.See National Rifle Association
Nuclear family, television depiction of
traditional, 441

Nurturant role hypothesis, 381
Nurture, naturevs., 140
Obesity.SeeOverweight and obesity
Observational learning (modeling),
segregated by sex, 462–466
women’s employment by, 456
Oedipal complex, 146
Oglebay Norton Corp, 475
Online communication, 229
Opennessvs.closedness, 287
Opportunity challenge, as obstacle to cross-
sex friendships, 279
Oral contraceptives, 351
Orbitofrontal cortex, 299
Osteoarthritis, 351, 513
Outgroup homogeneity effect, 282
Overweight and obesity, 369–371
definition, 369
etiology of, 371
prevalence, 369–371
Oxytocin, 499
PAQ.See Personal Attributes Questionnaire
Paid labor with family roles, 450–456
Paid worker role(s)
differential exposurevs. differential
vulnerability, 443
difficulties in combining roles,
effects on family, 446–448, 452–453
effects on health, 444
egalitarian couples and, 455
explanations for, 444–446
with family roles, 450–456
quality of, 456–458
health effects of, 458
job characteristics of, 456–458
retirement, 448–449
women’s employment, 444
Paid Workers and Mothers, 454
Pain perception, 383
Pain research, 383–384
Panic disorder, 518–519
Parental investment model, 301
Parental status
pay disparity and, 467–472
on women’s salaries, 468
Parent-child relationship, marital satisfaction
and, 422–423
Parenthood(TV show), 441
abuse by, 144
effects on achievement, 208–211
among homosexuals, 419–420
effect on marriages, 422–423
health and, 417–423
effects of parent role, 420–421
Parkinson’s disease, 344–345
Paternity leave, 469
Pay disparity, 461–462
family ties, 467–472
negotiation, 466–467
Pelosi, Nancy, 458
Perceptions of men & women employees,

Ludus (game-playing) love, 310–311
Lung cancer, 360
Main effects of marriage on health, 398
Major depressive disorder, 488–540
Male code, 61
Male Role Norms Inventory (Levant &
Fischer), 62
Mania (manic) love, 310–311
Manic-depressive illness, 490
ManKind Project, 21
March for Women’s Lives, 20
Marital rape exemption clause, 431
Marital relationship, breakup of,
on effects of separation and divorce, 406
Marital selection hypothesis, 401
Marital status, job promotions and, 467–468
Marriage.See alsoRomantic relationships
cohabitation prior to, 335–339
defined, 296
effect of parenthood on, 422–423
health effects of, 393–401
evidence, 395–398
explanations for, 398–399
health behavior, 400
marital satisfaction, 400–401
selection hypothesis, 401
social support, 399–400
stressful life events, 400
marital quality and, 409–410
satisfaction with, health and, 321, 411–417
parenthood and, 422–423
demand/withdraw pattern, 331
Married women’s paid employment, 448
Masculine Gender Role Stress
(MGRS), 429
Masculinity, 4.See alsoAgency; Gender
cardiovascular reactivity, 353
condom use, 377
multiple, 62
playing sports, 379
undesirable aspects of, 57–58
Masculinity-femininity (M/F) construct,
AIAS, 49
BSRI, 54–55, 56–57, 170
MMPI, 51–52
PAQ, 54–55, 56–57, 80, 247
undesirable aspects of, 57–58
Mate selection.See alsoRomantic
different preferences in, 296–304
sex differences in, 296–304
trade-off issues in, 300–301
Maternal wall, 468
Mathematical ability, 114–115
Maximalists, on sex differences, 17
Medical care utilization, 349
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
(Gray), 134
Men’s Liberation: A New Definition of
Masculinity(Nichols), 61
Men’s movements, 21–22
Menopause, 350–351
Mental health, 487–540
Mentors, glass ceiling and women’s lack of,
Meta-analysis, 38
of sex differences, 106–108
Methodology, self-report of withdrawal
symptoms, 365

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