The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Subject Index 629

Psychological reactance, 524
Psychosexual stages, of development, 146
PTCA.See Percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
Puberty, depression and, 497–498
Pure (agape) love, 310–311
Qualitative dimensions of support, 391–392
Quantitative dimensions of support,
Quid pro quo, sexual harassment, 475
Race.See alsoAfrican Americans; Blacks;
body image and, 516
divorce and, 395
life expectancies/mortality and, 342–346
obesity and, 370–371
pay parity and, 465–466
unemployment rate and, 443
Random assignment, 34
Randomly select/sample, 33
Rape and other forms of sexual coercion,
characteristics of perpetrator, 433–434
characteristics of victim, 434–435
definitions of, 431–432
incidence of, 432
rape myths, 432–433
theories of, 435–437
Rape myths, 432–433
Rape prevention strategies, 435
Reactive aggression, 157
Reading disability, 116
Real boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths
of Boyhood(Pollack), 61
Referents, comparison, 416–417
Reinforcement, 150–151
Relational aggression, 223–224
Relational interdependence, 201
Relationship dissolution and, 405–407
explanation of, 406–407
relationship, breakup of, 406
social selection, 407
women initiate breakup, 407
Relationships, 405–407, 444
dissolution, 405–407
explanations of, 406–407
social selection of, 407
strains associated with, 406–407
women in initiating, 407
distribution of power in, 322
equitable, 323
gay and lesbian, 297, 305
heterosexual, 296
homosexual, 296
initiation of, 304–306
maintaining, 319–320
emotional skills, 320
gender-role attitudes, 320
quality of, 325–326
satisfaction, 321
Religiosity, 318
Remarriage after widowhood, health benefits
of, 403–404
Rent-A-Center, sex discrimination case
against, 458–459
Replication, 41
Reproduction of Mothering, The
(Chodorow), 147

Reproductive issues, preventive care and,
Research methods
correlational study, 31–33
cross-sectionalvs. longitudinal studies,
experimental study, 33–36
field experiment, 36–37
Research on gender
experimenter effects in, 40–44
communication of results, 42–44
data collection, 41–42
data interpretation, 42
question asked, 40–41
study design, 40–41
laboratoryvs.field setting, 45–46
participant effects, 44–45
situational influences, 46–48
variables confounded with sex, 46
Response bias, 493–494
Responses to Depression Questionnaire, 505
Responsibility, morality of, 129
Retirement, 289–291, 448–449
health and, 449
effects of, 449
Rights, morality of, 129
RIR.See Rochester Interaction Record (RIR)
Risky behavior, 376–379
Roberts, David, 470
Rochester Interaction Record (RIR), 266–267
Role, defined, 4
Role conflict, 286–287, 450
Role expansion hypothesis, 450–451
Role obligations, health and, 384–385
Role overload, 450
Role scarcity hypothesis, 450
Role spillover, 452
Role strain, 450
conflict, 450
defined, 441
differential exposurevs. differential
vulnerability hypothesis, 510–511
expansion hypothesis, 450–451
obligations, health and, 384–385
overload, 450
scarcity hypothesis, 450
spillover, 452
strain, 450
Romantic (eros) love, 310–311
Romantic Beliefs Scale, 310
Romantic relationships, 342–389
cohabitation, 335–339
adverse effect on marriages, 338–339
candidates for, 337
conceptualizations of, 336
factors for, 336
negative effects of, 338
outcomes of, 337–339
patterns of, 336–337
cohabiting relationships, 335–339
commitment to, 415–416
conflict, 326–335
demand/withdraw pattern, 328–331
jealousy and, 332–335
management, 326–328
desired characteristics in mate selection,
evidence for, 299–304
explanations for, 301–304
motivating factors for, 299
heterosexual and homosexual
relationships, 296
first date scripts of, 305

of emotions in boys and girls, 250
of leadership, 243–247
of pain, 383
of sexual harassment, 477
Percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty (PTCA), 356
attributions for, 202–205
dimensions of causality, 202–203
expectancy model of, 203, 204
implications for achievement, 205
sex comparisons, 203–205
stereotype threat, 196–200
teachers(s) effects on, 214–216
treatment discrimination in evaluating, 459
Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ),
54–55, 56–57, 80, 247
disorders, 520
sexual harassment, 483
Philosophical and political issues
men’s movements, 21–22
sex difference debate, 17–18
social construction of gender, 18
women’s movements, 18–21
Physical attractiveness, education and, 296,
Physician bias, 355
Physician–patient interactions, 235
Physicians Health Study, 355
Physiological arousal, 331
Physiological reactivity, during conflict
discussions, 410–411
Plan B, 20
communication differences and, 222–225
styles of, 222–225
Pneumonia and influenza, 344–345
Political issues.SeePhilosophical and political
Positive reappraisal, 502
Postconventional stages of moral
development, 128
division of labor and, 414–415
in marriage, 322–323
in romantic relationships, 321–323
Practical (pragma) love, 310–311
Preconventional stages of moral
development, 128
Pragma (practical) love, 310–311
Precipitating factors of depression, 496
among adolescents and children, 361–362
among adults, 360–361
alcohol, 366–367
drugs, 368–369
overweight and obesity, 369–370
Preventive health care, 358–359
Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important
Job in the World Is Still the Least
Valued, The(Crittenden), 467
Proactive aggression, 157
Problem-focused coping, 500
Promise Keepers, 21–22
Prosocial dominance, 222
Prospective design, 402–403
Psychoanalytic theory
on parenting by homosexuals, 420
of sex differences, 146–147
Psychobiosocial models, 142
Psychological factors, of eating disorders,

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