(avery) #1

But a Christian would say to you that according to the Gospels Jesus
“raises Lazarus from the dead” and he continued living longer in his
body. Is this not proof of the “resurrection of the flesh”?

Jesus did not raise Lazarus from the dead, because Lazarus was in fact
not dead yet. In fact, what Jesus did was to revive him. This, on the
other hand, should not appear at all miraculous, since nowadays with
the techniques of cardiac resuscitation, doctors are able “to revive”
people considered clinically dead. Have you not heard speak of
exceptional cases in which people, who have been given up for dead
in a morgue, wake up suddenly after a few hours and return to life?
And does the separation of the physical body not take place
instantaneously when a cardio-respiratory attack occurs, otherwise
cardiac resuscitation would be impossible. It requires a period of time,
which may be longer or shorter, depending on the attachment of the
spirit to matter or on the vitality of the physical body when the
separation process begins, but which can last for at least two or three
days, culminating in the definitive rupture of the silver cord. If Jesus
could revive Lazarus with the power of his energy it was simply
because Lazarus had not completed a disincarnation process and it
could be reverted, just as doctors do nowadays.

But did it not happen with Jesus that his close friends went to his tomb
on the third day after his death and could not find his body?

In the case of Jesus, as the spirit abandoned the last tie that united him
with his body, and due to the enormous vibratory frequency of his
astral body, on freeing himself from the physical body, immediate
disintegration occurred, in a process which is actually remarkable for
you and which does not happen in your case. That is the reason why
the body of Jesus was not found in the tomb. This process of
disintegration left its mark on the linen cloth which surrounded the
corpse of Jesus. For this reason, not finding his body in the tomb does
not mean that Jesus continued to live in the body that he had while still

So the Holy Shroud and the image that was found on it are true?
Well yes.

And why do carbon-14 tests that scientists have made, in order to
know the age of the Holy Shroud, not date back to the first century?

The only thing that I will say to you regarding this matter is that there is
something in the dating procedure which considers to be certain
something that is not, and for this reason the dates do not coincide.
But this is digressing, because regardless of whether or not the Holy

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