(avery) #1

that vibratory band through having become conscious of the harm
they have caused, because they have shown true repentance and
the will to improve, and for having requested genuine help to get out
of that situation.

What do these aid missions consist of specifically?
To get an idea, we could say that the communities of more advanced
spirits act like a kind of spiritual NGO, that go down to help or rescue
spirits suffering rather awkward situations. It is like rescuing civilians
wounded from bombardment by the ambush of the combatants, or
refugees fleeing from regions that are devastated by war, starvation,
or natural catastrophes. With this objective, they build hospitals, shelters
and schools in certain regions bordering between the inferior and
intermediate astral, in order to take care of and re-educate spirits
recently rescued from the low vibratory bands. These spirits will spend
all the time they need there for their rehabilitatation. Once they have
recovered, many of them become actively involved in doing the same
kind of aid and rescue work for suffering spirits from the inferior astral
that they benefitted from. This makes them feel that they are useful
and a little happier, because it is a way of expressing their thanks for
what was done for them, because they really want to help their
brothers and sisters from the heart, as they understand perfectly what
they are going through, since they have just recently suffered this in the
flesh. In this way they also help themselves, raising their own vibratory
pattern with acts of love that they carry out for others. Once they
reach the appropriate vibratory level, and if they so wish, they can
return to their spiritual homes.

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