(avery) #1

Evolutionary scheme

Going back to the subject of reincarnation. I wonder, if we have lived
other lives and birth to physical life is not the beginning, what then is
the beginning of the life of a spirit, if there is such a thing?

The spirit is created ignorant. What is in fact created is the spiritual
principle, the vital spark. From that moment on, the original vital spark ,
through a process that lasts millions of years goes on experiencing a
process of improvement through the experience of being connected
to material forms appropriate to its evolutionary level.

I don ́t understand what you refer to when you say “being connected
to material forms appropriate to its evolutionary level”. Could you
explain more fully?

I am referring to incarnation. When the primary spiritual principle has
evolved sufficiently, and is much more than that, we call it spirit.

The spirit unites with the physical form, which is the body, in order to
learn from this experience. In more primitive phases, the primary
spiritual principle connects itself to more simple forms, first from the
mineral kingdom (first level), then from the plant kingdom (second
level), then from the animal kingdom (third level) and then later on as
a spirit in the human phase (fourth level) and it learns from each one of
those physical experiences. This apprenticeship is retained by the
spiritual being forever. So, when the spiritual beings start a new
incarnation, they do so with the knowledge obtained from countless
previous incarnations.

So are you saying that we were animals in previous lives and if we
look back even further, we could even have incarnated in a stone?

More or less, although not exactly, as in those previous stages the
individuality of the being is still not so defined as in the human phase.
This is attained progressively.

What do you mean by that?
Well, it is not correct to say that your spirit incarnated in a stone,
because in that phase the vital spark could not yet be considered an
individual spirit, nor does a stone has individuality in the mineral
kingdom. What would happen to the vital spark if we were to break
the stone into two or three fragments, what would be divided? This is
not the case. However, we can say that a “protospirit” incarnates in a
dog, because its level of individualisation is now more advanced.

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