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L ii 9 [ ]MAŠ tary) interest,” is written logo-
graphically in L.
H174 LH xiva 16 L ii 9 ša omits SV(1) – The relative pronoun omitted in L. 443 ša is

(^) H175 LH xiva 17 (^) i-na-ad-di-in (^) OV – L has defective orthography
for the I/1 present future of
√nadānu, “to give.”
L ii 10 i-na-di-in
H176 LH xiva 62 N ii 7 [ ]-ṣi-ib-ti-šu ˹su˺ Not Counted – The damaged sign does not allow a certain reading.^444
(^) H177 LH xva 9 (^) du-un-nu-[n]im (^) OV(l) – P lacks mimation.
P 1 obv. i 3 du-un-nu-ni
(^) H178 LH xva 15 (^) uš-ta-bíl (^) OV – P has CV-VC against CVC
P 1 obv. i 8 uš-ta-bi-il in LH.
H179 LH xva 17 KAR-šu OV – The pronominal object suffix
P 1 obv. i 10 KAR-šú is written with the sign ŠÚ in P.
H180 LH xva 21 ŠE OV – P has a phonetic comple-ment appended to the logogram
ŠE, √še’um, “grain.”
P 1 obv. i 12 ŠE-am
(^443) The omission of the relative particle in L suggests haplography. However, in light of Rule 1 it is possi-
ble that sibtam šattim, “annual interest,” is a set construction known to the scribe of L. Elsewhere the rela-
tive particle is written between these terms: in an Old Assyrian text from Kultepe, šumma ṣibtam ša šattim,
“if the interest of (that) year” (KTS 12 17); between the term ṣibat and a genitive construction: ṣibassu ša
adi ūmim annîm, “its interest up to this day” (BIN 4 98 24). See also the construction without the relative
particle in LH xva 75 (H184). Cf. similar cases in Gilgamesh XI cited in A.R. George, Gilgamesh, 428,
“variant possessive constructions.” 444
The sign at the end of line 7 in manuscript N looks like it may be the remains of SU, but it is ultimately
too damaged to be read with any certainty. The variant is not noted in R. Borger, Babylonisch-Assyrische
Lesestücke, 16, nor in G.R. Driver and J.C. Miles, Babylonian Laws, 109. The reading SU does seem plau-
sible and if taken to be accurate this variant would suggest a difference in number between the sources:
ṣibtišu, 3fs in LH, against ṣibātšu > ṣibāssu, 3fpl in N. Thus N would have a different construction to the
set phrase kispišu u sibtišu as it appears in the stele.

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