The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

White Delight

The vanilla sapote is misnamed since it is actually not a member of the sapote family but a member of the citrus family. Vanilla sapotes, also

called white sapotes, are green on the outside with pale ivory flesh. The green sapote (a true sapote) is green on the outside and orange on the

inside. Look for vanilla sapotes at Latin markets and specialty produce stores.


8 apples, cored, or 3 cups filtered water
2 vanilla sapotes, seeded
1 large cherimoya, peeled and seeded
2 bananas, peeled, frozen, and cut into chunks
Seeds from ½ vanilla bean (optional)

If using the apples, process through a juicer into a large measuring cup (you should have about 3 cups). Place 2½ cups of the apple juice and the
sapotes, cherimoya, bananas, and vanilla in a blender and blend until smooth, adding the additional ½ cup apple juice if needed to create a soupy
consistency. Pour into tall glasses and serve.

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