Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

Heckman, J. J., and B. S. Payner 1989 ‘‘Determining the
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Layton-Henry, Z., and C. Wilpert 1994 Discrimination,
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MacEwen M. 1995 Tackling Racism in Europe: An Exami-
nation of Anti-Discrimination Law in Practice. Washing-
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of a ‘Scientific’ Racist Concept.’’ In M. Silverman,
ed., Race, Discourse and Power in France. Aldershot,
UK: Avebury.

Mayhew, L. H. 1968 Law and Equal Opportunity: A Study
of the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Pettigrew, T. F. 1979 ‘‘Racial Change and Social Policy.’’
Annals of the American Association of Political and Social
Science 441:114–131.

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Conceptualize Them?’’ Annual Review of Sociology

——— 1998 ‘‘Responses to the New Minorities of West-
ern Europe.’’ Annual Review of Sociology 24:77–103.

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Puzzle: Understanding Dutch Intergroup Relations.’’
Current Psychology 15:3–13.

Reskin, B. F. 1998 The Realities of Affirmative Action in
Employment. Washington, D.C.: American Sociologi-
cal Association.

Rosenfeld, R. A., and A. L. Kalleberg 1990 ‘‘A Cross-
national Comparison of the Gender Gap in Income.’’
American Journal of Sociology 96:69–105.

Rosensweig, M. R., and J. Morgan 1976 ‘‘Wage Discrimi-
nation: A Comment.’’ Journal of Human Resourc-
es 11:3–7.

Sanborn, H. 1969 ‘‘Pay Differences Between Men and
Women.’’ Industrial and Labor Relations Review

Smith, D. J. 1976 The Facts of Racial Disadvantage: A
National Survey. London: PEP.

Taylor, M. C. 1988 ‘‘Estimating Race and Sex Inequity in
Wages: Substantive Implications of Methodological
Choices.’’ Paper presented at the 1989 Research

Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analy-
sis and Management. Seattle, Wash.
Veenman, J., and T. Roelandt 1990 ‘‘Allochtonen:
Achterstand en Achterstelling.’’ In J. J. Schippers,
ed., Arbeidsmarkt en Maatschappelijke Ongelijkheid.
Groningen, The Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff.
Williams, R. M., Jr. 1947 The Reduction of Intergroup
Tensions. New York: Social Science Research Council.
Wilpert, C. 1993 ‘‘Ideological and Institutional Founda-
tions of Racism in the Federal Republic of Germa-
ny.’’ In J. Solomos and J. Wrench, eds., Racism and
Migration in Western Europe. Oxford, UK: Berg.



See Aging and the Life Course; Retirement.


See Nonparametric Statistics.


See Human Rights/Children’s Rights; Social


The division of labor is a multifaceted concept that
applies to several levels of analysis: small groups,
families, households, formal organizations, socie-
ties, and even the entire ‘‘world system’’ (Wallerstein
1979). Each level of analysis requires a slightly
different focus; the division of labor may refer to
the emergence of certain roles in groups, to the
relative preponderance of industrial sectors (pri-
mary, secondary, tertiary) in an economy, to the
distribution of societal roles by sex and age, or to
variability among occupational groupings. Soci-
ologists at the micro-level are concerned with ‘‘who
does what,’’ while macrosociologists focus on the
larger structural issues of societal functions.
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