Biology and Marine Biology

(Axel Boer) #1

Faculty Peer Reviewer for Dr. Taylor, Dr. Rommel and Dr. Weedon (2 classroom visits each)

Review of Graduate Student Teaching: Lara Jarvis (Bio 105) and Katelyn Schumacher (Bio 241)

Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Member, Search Committee for Assistant Museum Curator

Member, Essay Evaluation Group, Departmental Assessment Committee

Attended December commencement, will attend May ceremony

Attended Honors Student Graduation Ceremony

Presented “Introduction to IACUC”, New Graduate Student Orientation, 8/09

Faculty Peer Reviewer for Drs. Taylor, Rommel and Weedon (2 classroom visits each)

Chair, UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee..

Co-Chair, UNCW Small Boat Committee

Participant, CMS/Industry working group on developing protective dissolved oxygen criteria for the

Lower Cape Fear River estuary

Assisted with UNCW Student Health Studies Symposium

University Freshman Convocation Program

CMS Seawater Committee

CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526

Recipient of 2009 UNCW Discere Aude Award for Teaching Excellence

Judge, Stoye/Storer Student Presentation Award, 2009 American Society of Ichthyologists and

Herpetologists Annual Meeting. Portland, OR

Judge, Student Paper and Poster Awards, 2010 Benthic Ecology Meeting, Wilmington, NC


Faculty peer reviewer for Dr. BK Song ; Dr. Chris Finelli

Review of Teaching - Dr. Brian Arbogast , Dr. Amanda Southwood

Review of Graduate Student Teaching: Andrew Capps, Pedro Medina-Rosas

Member, Search Committee for ‘Coastal Plant Ecologist’

Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Member, Long Range Plan Committee

Guest lecture - Hon 120: Student Research Opportunities in Ichthyology & Fish Ecology, 2008

Assisted with registration advising of transfer students

Participant, Departmental Searches for Cell/Molecular Biologist and Marine Biologist

CMS Seawater Committee ; CMS 1st Floor Space Committee

Instructor – MSC526Attended December commencement, will attend May ceremony

Assisted with relocation of Fish Collection to renovated Friday Hall space

Presented “Introduction to IACUC”, New Graduate Student Orientation, 8/08

Judge, 4th Annual UNCW Undergraduate Research Showcase student poster competition

Chair, UNCW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (second year)

Co-Chair, UNCW Small Boat Committee

Faculty Leader, Small Group Meeting on Academic Expectations, UNCW Freshman Convocation

Program, 8/08.

Attended University Freshman Convocation Program

Member, Selection Committee for Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (reviewed dossiers

of 7 nominees and submitted recommendations to CAS Dean)

Participant, CMS/Industry working group on development of protective dissolved oxygen criteria

for Lower Cape Fear River estuary

Member, North Carolina Ocean Observing Planning Team (UNCW, UNC, NCSU, ECU,

ECSU) Attended NCABR Workshop on Animal Research & Welfare, Raleigh, NC 5/08

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