The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

palms beneath your shoulders, and while inhaling, gently
begin raising your eyes, then your head, then your chest
upward off the floor. As much as possible, use your spinal
muscles rather than your arms to lift yourself up. Your
lower abdomen should remain on the floor. Inhale as you
rise and exhale as you lower yourself back down. Repeat
this several times, then lower your chest to the floor.


From your stomach roll onto your side. Make two fists side
by side below your groin with your arms straight. Now roll
back onto your stomach with your arms beneath your
chest and abdomen. As you inhale, lift your right leg off
the floor. Hold it for a few moments, then lower it while
exhaling. Repeat this motion with your left leg. If you are
able to perform this fairly easily, try raising both legs off
the floor together, keeping your knees together. Inhale
while you are lifting, hold for several moments, then
lower both legs to the floor.

130 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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