
(Wang) #1

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Fly, Amillus Sidney, 537
Kern, Edward Meyer, 794–795
military photography, 931
Russell, Andrew Joseph, 1225–1226
Savage, Charles Roscoe, 1245–1246
survey photography, 1362, 1428
Watkins, Carleton E., 1477, 1478
Amici, Giovanni Battista, 36–37
inventor, 36–37
Talbot, William Henry Fox, 36–37
Amici–Bertrand lens, 36
Amici Prism, 36
Ammonia, light sensitivity, 533
Ammonium ferric citrate, 360
Amphitypes, 1156
Olie, Jacob, 1022–1024
Turner, Benjamin Brecknell, 1412
Anaglyph three-dimensional photographic
Ducos du Hauron, André Louis, 449
patents, 449
Anastigmats, lenses, 849
Andersen, Hans Christian, 633
portraits, 411
Andersen, Hermann, 1461
Anderson, James, 37, 37
architectural photography, 37
art reproductions, 37
Andresen, Momme, 20
Andrew, Thomas, 996
Andrieu, Jules, 37–38
Paris Commune, 37–38
architectural ruins, 37–38
“Desastres de la guerre,” 37–38
political and class-based readings, 38
Angerer, L & V, 39
Angerer, Viktor, 39–40
portraits, 39–40
Angkor Vat, Gsell, Emile, 624, 625
Aniline dyes, albumen print, 24
Aniline process, 1157
Animal locomotion
Degas, Edward, 1047
Eakins, Thomas Cowperthwaite, 1047
Muybridge, Eadweard James, 1047
Animal photography, 40–42, 41
études, 41
Bambridge, William, 112
Crémière, Léon, 344
exposure times, 40
hunting, 40
instantaneous photography, 748
Malacrida, Jules, 887
portraiture, 40
publications, 40
Quinet, Achille Léon, 1181
Reid, Charles, 1186
specialist pedigree animal photographers,
Annals of the Artists of Spain (Stirling,
William), 1108
fi rst photographically illustrated art history
book, 1108
Annan, James Craig, 43–44
art reproductions, 43
education, 43, 44, 45
hand camera, 43
Hill, David Octavius, 44
photogravures, 43
Photo-Secession, 43
portraits, 43–44
recognition, 43
Stieglitz, Alfred, 43, 44

Annan, T. & R. & Sons, 43, 44
Annan, Thomas, 44–46, 45, 691
art reproductions, 44
civic enterprises, 45
landscape photography, 46
portraits, 46
slums, 45, 45–46
Anschütz, Ottomar, 41, 46–48, 298–299, 597,
chronophotography, 46–48
instantaneous photography, 47–48
moving pictures, 47–48
secrecy regarding his work, 47
series chronophotography, 47–48
technical innovations, 47–48
Ansco Company, 50
Antarctic, 69–71, 70
expedition photography, 69–71, 70
landscape photography, 69–71, 70
Anthony, Edward, 48–50, 49, 1093
Anthony, E&HT & Co., see E&HT Anthony
& Co.
Anthony, Henry Tiebout, 49, 49
Anthony’s Photographic Journal, 184
Anthony’s Series of Photo Publications, 184
Anthotypes, 1161
Anthracotypes, 1157
Anthropological photography, 53, 298, 707
Bonaparte, Prince Roland, 172, 173
boundaries, 50
British Association for the Advancement of
Science, 51–52
Charnay, Claude-Joseph-Désiré, 288
contexts, 54
cultural assimilation, 52
culture, 51
perceptions of race and culture, 54
direct fi eld observation, 53–54
Hillers, John K., 662
Icelanders, 1214
importance, 52–53
indexicality, 54
India, 51
individual fi eldworkers, 53–54
Inuit, 1214
lantern slides, 54
Malacrida, Jules, 887
marginal groups, 52
Notes and Queries on Anthropology, 51–52
peasant culture, 52
popular images of the exotic and erotic, 53
Potteau, Jacques-Philippe, 1167
publications, 54
purposes, 51
race, 51
perceptions of race and culture, 54
Rousseau, Louis, 1214
Spain, 1327
Spencer, Walter Baldwin, 1329
university or museum-based expeditions, 53
unmediated naturalism, 53
Anthropology, 50–54
colonial government, links, 51
complexities of terminology, 50–51
ethnology, shifted meaning, 50–51
methodologies to explain racial and cultural
difference, 51
photographic collections, 68
Anthropometric photography, 298, 1143
Africa, 501–502
Bertillon, Alphonse, 151
measurements, 151
speaking portrait, 151
Middle East, 501–502

Antoine, Franz, 1287
Aplanat lens, see Rapid rectilinear lens
Apochromatic lenses, 1
Apparatus collection, 1276
Appert, Eugène, Paris Commune, 55
communards imprisoned, 55
photomontages meant to discredit, 55
Aquatint photogravure, see Photogravures
Arago, François, 365, 366, 368–369, 545
academic supporter of early photography,
announcement of Daguerre’s invention, 675
Delaroche, Hippolyte (Paul), 407
hand coloring, 322
photohistorian, 1114
Archeological photography
Constantinou, Dimitrios, 335
de Clerq, Louis, 393–394, 394
Frith, Francis, 559
Greece, 619
Rhomaides brothers, 619
Salzmann, Auguste, 1240
Sommer, Giorgio, 1310–1313
Squier, Ephraim George, 1335
Archer, Frederick Scott, 55–57, 608, 759,
1378, 1485
calotypes, 55
copyright, 56
exhibitions, 57
experimenting with glass as negative
support, 55–56
intensifying, 749
inventor, 57
lenses, 57
sculptor, 55
training, 55
wet collodion negatives, 55–57
Kenilworth Castle ruins, 56
Archer, Talbot, see Harrison, William Jerome
Architectural photogrammetry, 60–61
Architectural photography, 58–64, 61, 691,
1098, 1103, 1111
advertising new edifi ces, 62
Africa, 1408
album dedicated to fi nanciers and share
holders, 61–62
albumen print, 60
albums, 405
Anderson, James, 37
Arnold, Charles Dudley, 73
art photography, 63
Arts and Crafts movement, 62
Asia Minor, 1408
Böttger, Georg, 195
Baker, Nathan Flint, 729–730
Baldus, Édouard Denis, 108–110
Bedford, Francis, 134, 135
beginnings of modern architecture, 62
Bisson, Auguste-Rosalie, 163
Bisson, Louis-Auguste, 163
daguerreotypes, Ruskin, John, 58
Dally, Frederick, 377
Delagrange, Baron Alexis, Indian
architecture, 402–404
demolition, 62–63
documentation of buildings worth being
preserved, 59
Durandelle, Louis-Emile, 454–455
Evans, Frederick Henry, 505
Fenton, Roger, 527–528
Fierlants, Edmond, 529–530
fi rst art-critical account, 58
fi rst photographic documentation project,
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