Die Ausgaben für Kleider und Schuhe beliefen sich auf 265 euro.
The total expenditure for clothes and shoes amounted to 265 euros.
Von den Gesamtausgaben entfiel ungefähr ein Fünftel auf
Of the general expenditure, around one fifth went/was spent on food.
76 Describing actions and processes
76.1 Basic words for actions and processes
(a) Doing things
tun/machen ‘to do’
There are two essential verbs to convey ‘doing’: tun and machen.
As translations for ‘to do’ they are interchangeable as long as they are not used with a
direct object.
machen with a direct object is often translated idiomatically:
Jetzt mache ich erst mal Pause.
First of all I’ll take a break.
Könntest du heute das Essen machen? Ich habe keine Zeit.
Could you prepare the meal today? I haven’t got time.
Wenn du deine Hausaufgaben gemacht hast, kannst du Fußball
When you’ve done your homework you can play football.
tun with a direct object has similarly idiomatic meanings:
Sie wollte ihm etwas Gutes tun.
She wanted to do something nice/good for him.
Er hatte doch nichts Böses getan.
He had not done anything bad/evil.
tun may be slightly more elevated in style:
Was soll ich tun/machen, damit das Kind schläft?
What can I do to make the child sleep?
(b) For processes occurring naturally or of their own accord, use the verb gehen and its
gehen ‘to go (on)’
-r Vorgang (ë) ‘process’
-r Rückgang ‘decline/fall’