(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. AlIa Qaadirow igu dUl, qawlkii Islaamnimo
    4.1. Waxaan qaalmo geel iya 10', iyo adhi qormo u degay

  2. Qalcado aan dhistiyo mood, wixii dahab aan qarin jiray
    4.3. Qudhunlayay adduunyadaba, qayd baa iga raaciye

  3. Qolo 100 wareegaa ma jiro, qiridhim weeyaane
    4~. Qariibnimo halkaasay, dadow ugu qadhaadhahay

46. Qorraxdaa dusheennaa, qariib laysu keeniye

  1. Qaadirow Allahyow, Qumanow Rasuulow

  2. Qiraalka ashahaadiyo, Quraankiyo Xadiiskow

  3. Qunuuddiyo salaaddiyo, qatanaanta soonkaay

50. Qiyaamaha dharaartaa, qareen kale IDa haystoy.

A Story

.10 I am relating a story which our Quran reveals

  1. Whether it is accepted by one man or rejected by another,
    I shall state my points

  2. I shall display the [initial] letters [of the words]
    according to the alliteration in QAF

  3. Be it large or small, whatever is apportioned to every

man [by the Divine Grace]

  1. He shall soon obtain his rightful share of it
    ~. When sickness overpowers me, for no one will last forever,

  2. And with it the agony of pain always increases, [and]
    when death grips me

~. An amulet and an ink potion will be prescribed for me

~. But they will avail nothing if I am in real distress

  1. My kinsfolk will call for a reciter of the Quran to pray
    for me
    1'],. The soul is entrusted [to us on loan], so when it departs i I
    one evening

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