(Chris Devlin) #1

Line l~. Some men of religion are chosen for their piety

to wash the dead bodies which are treated with

tenderness and care.

Line 17. Since coffins are not used in the burial customs

of some Muslim societies a shroud is wrapped
around the dead body which is then lowered down

into the grave.

Line 28. QIBLAH is the direction towards Mecca to which all

Muslim~ must pray. In Muslim burial arrangements,

it is also the direction which the head of the dead
body is turned to when it is buried.

Line 39. The poet alludes to the two angels, MUNKAR and

NAKIR, who, according to Muslim tradition, are to
visit the dead in their graves to question them
as to their belief in God, the Prophet and the
Islamic faith. The 'Divine Slate' represents

here the record held by the angels relating to

every person's faith and conduct.

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