(Chris Devlin) #1

Text 25

In Islam, it is said that during the last days of the world,

the human society will begin to show signs of decadence and

disintegration. People will abandon religious practices,

break traditional values, lie, cheat, kill and forget to
fear God. Animals will change their habits and lose their
characte~. Nature will suspend its generosity and become
harsh to all the creatures. In this poem, Sheekh Caaqib
Cabdilaahi asserts that he sees all the ills mentioned, and

even more, in the present-day Islamic society of Somalia.

However, he is not altogether pessimistic, but he hopes that,
with sincerity and belief and with their good fortune, the
Somali people may reach success in this world and in the


Irkig iyo Amakaag

i. Indhoweyd asbaab gabay rna tirin, erayadiisiiye
2.' Iminkaan furfurayaa tixdii, ubaxu saarraaye

  1. U soo urursha Aadmigana waa, badan idlaanaynne

4. Aad ugu tarjuma kaan aqoon, erega Soomaali

  1. Abaxdihii xidhnaan jiray, haddii, ooddi laga qaaday

~. Ayaamahan amuur soo baxdaan, idin ogaysiinne

7. Irkig baa adduunkii qabtiyo, haatan amakaage

  1. Ibtilo iyo aafaa iska dhalay, waana aragtaane
    ~. Asbaab lagu aqoonsado shirkaan, 500 ag dlligayaaye
    lb. Inta maqan u yeedhoo ayaan, ruuxna la illaawin
    Ii. Inta hurudda soo toosiyaay, eexasha u daran

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