14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

162 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

  • Which of the spiritual habits we have studied over the past
    fourteen weeks (list them) is the easiest for you to practice?

  • Which habit of highly effective disciples has been or will be
    the most difficult for you to practice in the days ahead?
    Invite members to share with a classmate their answers to the
    first two questions, but not question 3, which will be kept private.
    Then say, On your sheet of paper, write down what you may need
    to do if you commit to regularly practicing the most difficult habit
    (number 3 on your paper). (For example, a lifestyle of worship
    may require an individual to spend less time with the television or

  1. In closing prayer, ask God to reveal himself as he truly is—a pow-
    erful God who can empower us to be more faithful disciples by
    integrating godly habits into our lives.

Teaching Plan—Lecture and Questions

Connect with Life

  1. Give this illustration: Brady remembers the first time he went to see
    a live stage performance. He sat down in the third row and heard
    the musicians tuning up. He saw movement behind the closed stage
    curtain and heard noises from behind the curtain as well. When
    the lights dimmed and the spotlight hit the stage, he saw the cur-
    tains part. Nothing he had seen or heard before had prepared him
    for the excitement of the movement of the dancers, the sound of the
    music, and the bright colors on the stage.
    Ask members to think about what they may see and hear when
    they first get a glimpse behind the curtain of heaven. Say, Today’s
    study will familiarize us with two great visions of God’s presence as
    revealed in the Bible and encourage us to respond to God with wor-
    ship throughout our lives.

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