Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1
The Oven

Lurid butcher, you massacre in bunches
and bludgeon on, massacrating
to crate sepulchres. ..
Where can a flower bloom and glow?
Sky and night seamed with aureate thread
stubborn dawn purled in shade
in the cauldron of being
new seed enclodded
expectation expressed and spike narded
to man is born bread woman kneads
in the dark warmth of desire
and when blood simmers, infornicates
rocking cradle twixt hair and heavens
thrust in the dank cavern industry
heedless till ultra night
razing crazinq do pursue a race
regardless of world sky season
from peak to depthlessness...
(Translated by Justin Vitiello)

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